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更新时间:2022-03-15   点击次数:714次

越来越多的证据表明空气污染和关节病之间有着密切的联系。虽然超细颗粒(ultrafine particles, UFPs)对关节的间接影响,即通过诱导炎性细胞因子,已经被证实,但是在理解外来颗粒对关节的直接威胁方面仍然存在空白。最近,中国科学院生态环境科学研究中心团队在期刊《Nano Today》(IF=20.722)上发表题为“Intrusion of inhaled exotic ultrafine particles into the knee joint in humans and animals: A risk to the joint and surrounding tissues."的文章,在骨关节炎患者的人类膝关节积液中发现了外来的 UFPs,并通过计算它们的化学和结构指纹来识别这些 UFPs的周围环境暴露源,包括天然矿物和金属氧化物颗粒(即铜镍矿和赤铁矿)。此外,动物实验揭示了吸入的 UFPs转移到关节中。组织学检查发现关节中UFPs的侵入对滑膜和软骨造成了明显的损伤。借助于同位素标记,研究者证实了 UFPs在关节中的侵入,并获得了相应的小鼠retention kinetics。该研究成果提供了外来颗粒侵入关节腔的直接证据,并确定了吸入的 UFPs从吸入系统转移到关节和关节?;は低车乃鹕?。这项研究提供了空气污染对关节的不利影响额外的见解,并对特别是与空气污染有关的公共卫生措施具有至关重要的意义。

本文中使用了欣博盛Mouse IL-6 ELISA kits检测了血清样本中的表达量。


1.文章题目:Intrusion of inhaled exotic ultrafine particles into the knee joint in humans and animals: A risk to the joint and surrounding tissues.

期    刊:Nano Today(影响因子:20.722)

发表时间:11 February 2022

作    者:Yu Qi, Shuting Wei, Yucai Chen, et al.


使用产品:Mouse IL-6 ELISA kit

2.文章题目:Bioinspired magnetic nanocomplexes amplifying STING activation of tumor-associated macrophages to potentiate cancer immunotherap.

期    刊:Nano Today(影响因子:20.722)

发表时间:22 January 2022

作    者:Li T, Song R, Sun F, et al.


使用产品:Mouse TNF-α, IL-6 ELISA kits

3.文章题目:A Triple‐Kill Strategy for Tumor Eradication Reinforced by Metal‐Phenolic Network Nanopumps.

期    刊: Advanced Functional Materials(影响因子:18.808)

发表时间:10 February 2022

作    者:Sang W, Zhang Z, Wang G, et al.


使用产品:Mouse IFN-γ, TNF-α, IL-6, IL-10, IL-12p70 ELISA kits

3.文章题目:Targeting polarized phenotype of microglia via IL6/JAK2/STAT3 signaling to reduce NSCLC brain metastasis.

期    刊:Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy(影响因子:18.187)

发表时间:23 February 2022

作    者:Jin Y, Kang Y, Wang M, et al.


使用产品:Human IL-6 ELISA kit

4.文章题目:Remodeling Tumor-Associated Neutrophils to Enhance Dendritic Cell-Based HCC Neoantigen Nano-Vaccine Efficiency

期    刊:Advanced Science(影响因子:16.806)

发表时间:10 February 2022

作    者:Wang Y, Zhao Q, Zhao B, et al.


使用产品:Mouse IFN-γ, TNF-α, IL-2 ELISA kits.

5.文章题目:Cubic multi-ions-doped Na2TiO3 nanorod-like coatings: Structure-stable, highly efficient platform for ions-exchanged release to immunomodulatory promotion on vascularized bone apposition.

期    刊:Bioactive Materials(影响因子:14.593)

发表时间:15 February 2022

作    者:Yu D, Li B, Yu M, et al.


使用产品:Human total HIF-1α ELISA kit

6.文章题目:Lenvatinib-and vadimezan-loaded synthetic high-density lipoprotein for combinational immunochemotherapy of metastatic triple-negative breast cancer.

期    刊:Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B(影响因子:11.413)

发表时间:25 February 2022

作    者:Zheng C, Zhang W, Wang J, et al.


使用产品:Mouse IL-12p40, IFN-γ, TNF-α ELISA kits

7.文章题目:Self-oxygenation mesoporous MnO2 nanoparticles with ultra-high drug loading capacity for targeted arteriosclerosis therapy.

期    刊:Journal of Nanobiotechnology(影响因子:10.435)

发表时间:19 February 2022

作    者:Sun W, Xu Y, Yao Y, et al.


使用产品:Mouse TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6, MCP-1 ELISA kits

8.文章题目:Targeting and promoting atherosclerosis regression using hybrid membrane coated nanomaterials via alleviated inflammation and enhanced autophagy.

期    刊:Applied Materials Today(影响因子:10.041)

发表时间:2 February 2022

作    者:You P, Mayier A, Zhou H, et al.


使用产品:Mouse TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6, MCP-1, IL-10 ELISA kits

9.文章题目:Tollip orchestrates macrophage polarization to alleviate intestinal mucosal inflammation.

期    刊:Journal of Crohn's and Colitis(影响因子:9.071)  

发表时间:3 February 2022

作    者:Liu X, Ren X, Zhou L, et al.


使用产品:Mouse TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6, IL-10 ELISA kits

10.文章题目:LncRNA Neat1 promotes the macrophage inflammatory response and acts as a therapeutic target in titanium particle-induced osteolysis.

期    刊:Acta Biomaterialia(影响因子:8.947)

发表时间:10 February 2022

作    者:Lin S, Wen Z, Li S, et al.


使用产品:Mouse , TNF-α, IL-1β, IFN-β ELISA kits

11.文章题目:Sulfated heteropolysaccharides from Undaria pinnatifida: Structural characterization and transcript-metabolite profiling of immunostimulatory effects on RAW264. 7 cells.

期    刊:Food Chemistry: X(影响因子:7.514)

发表时间:12 February 2022

作    者:Yang L, Liu J, Xia X, et al.


使用产品:Mouse IL-6, TNF-α ELISA kits

12.文章题目:A novel TanCAR targeting IL13Rα2 and EphA2 for enhanced glioblastoma therapy.

期    刊:Molecular Therapy-Oncolytics(影响因子:7.2)

发表时间:20 February 2022

作    者:Muhammad N, Wang R, Li W, et al.


使用产品:Human IFN-γ, IL-2 ELISA kits

13.文章题目:The Attenuation of Chronic Ulcerative Colitis by (R)-salbutamol in Repeated DSS-Induced Mice.

期    刊:Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity(影响因子:6.543)

发表时间:7 February 2022

作    者:Deng L, Guo H, Wang S, et al.


使用产品:Mouse IFN-γ, IL-1β, IL-6, TNF-α ELISA kits

14.文章题目:Discovery of a novel and potent inhibitor with differential species-specific effects against NLRP3 and AIM2 inflammasome-dependent pyroptosis.

期    刊:European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry(影响因子:6.514)

发表时间:17 February 2022

作    者:Jiao Y, Nan J, Mu B, et al.


使用产品:Human IL-1β, IL-18, TNF-α ELISA kits

15.文章题目:Porous Bioactive Prosthesis With Chitosan/Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles Microspheres Sequentially and Sustainedly Releasing Platelet-Derived Growth Factor-BB and Kartogenin: A New Treatment Strategy for Osteoarticular Lesions.

期    刊:Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology(影响因子:5.89)

发表时间:3 February 2022

作    者:Yuan Z, Lyu Z, Zhang W, et al.

作者单位: 四川大学

使用产品:Human PDGF-BB ELISA kits

16.文章题目:Network Pharmacology and Molecular Docking Analysis on Molecular Mechanism of Qingzi Zhitong Decoction in The Treatment of Ulcerative Colitis .

期    刊:Frontiers in Pharmacology(影响因子:5.81)

发表时间:8 February 2022,

作    者:Shou X, Wang Y, Zhang X S, et al.


使用产品:Rat TNF-α ELISA kits


17.文章题目:Hippocampus-Based Mitochondrial Respiratory Function Decline Is Responsible for Perioperative Neurocognitive Disorders.

期    刊:Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience(影响因子:5.75)

发表时间:9 February 2022

作    者:He K, Zhang J, Zhang W, et al.


使用产品:Mouse IL-1β, IL-6 ELISA kits


18.文章题目:Dietary Linolenic Acid Increases Sensitizing and Eliciting Capacities of Cow’s Milk Whey Proteins in BALB/c Mice.

期    刊:Nutrients(影响因子:5.717)

发表时间:16 February 2022

作    者:Meng X, Wu Y, Wen X, et al.


使用产品:TMB底物, Mouse MCP-1 ELISA kits

19.文章题目:Preliminary Report on Intestinal Flora Disorder, Faecal Short-Chain Fatty Acid Level Decline and Intestinal Mucosal Tissue Weakening Caused by Litchi Extract to Induce Systemic Inflammation in HFA Mice.

期    刊:Nutrients(影响因子:5.717)

发表时间:12 February 2022

作    者:Sun D, Wang C, Sun L, et al.


使用产品:Mouse TNF-α, IFN-γ, IL-1β, IL-6 ELISA kits

20.文章题目:Bioactive triple peptide inhibits inflammasome activation to alleviate Salmonella-induced intestinal inflammation in mice via modulation of host defense and bacterial virulence.

期    刊:Food & Function(影响因子:5.396)  

发表时间:9 February 2022

作    者:Cui C, Liu Q, Duan B, et al.


使用产品:Human IL-1β ELISA kits

21.文章题目:Pathogenic Tconvs promote inflammatory macrophage polarization through GM‐CSF and exacerbate abdominal aortic aneurysm formation.

期    刊:The FASEB Journal(影响因子:5.191)

发表时间:8 February 2022

作    者:Li D, Li J, Liu H, et al.


使用产品:Mouse CCL2, GM-CSF ELISA kits

22.文章题目:Mechanism of SMND-309 against lung injury induced by chronic intermittent hypoxia.

期    刊:International Immunopharmacology(影响因子:4.932)

发表时间:1 February 2022

作    者:Hou Y, Xu N, Li S, et al.


使用产品:Mouse IL-1β, TNF-α, TGF-β, IL-4, IL-10 ELISA kits


23.文章题目:A Variation in SORBS1 is Associated with Type 2 Diabetes and High‐density Lipoprotein Cholesterol in Chinese Population

期    刊:Diabetes/Metabolism Research and Reviews(影响因子:4.876)

发表时间:02 February 2022

作    者:Gong S, Huo S, Luo Y, et al.


使用产品:Human Adiponectin ELISA kit

24.文章题目:Platelets inhibit development of atherosclerosis in atherosclerotic mice.

期    刊:Cell Cycle(影响因子:4.534)

发表时间:15 February 2022

作    者:Liu X, Bao Y, Lin Z, et al.


使用产品:Mouse TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6, MCP-1 ELISA kits

25.文章题目:Integrative analysis of fecal metabolome and gut microbiota in high-fat diet-induced hyperlipidemic rats treated with Rosa Roxburghii Tratt juice.

期    刊:Journal of Functional Foods(影响因子:4.451)

发表时间:3 February 2022

作    者:Ji J, Zhang S, Tang L, et al.


使用产品:Rat TNF-α、IL-6 ELISA kits

26.文章题目:Metal (Au)-Decorated Chitosan-l-Arginine Polymeric Vector for Codelivery of Gefitinib and miR125b for Lung Cancer Therapy.

期    刊:ACS Applied Polymer Materials(影响因子:4.442)

发表时间:15 February 2022

作    者:Amgoth C, He Y, Wang S, et al


使用产品:Mouse EGF, VEGF, MMP-9 ELISA kits

27.文章题目: FAM49B, restrained by miR-22, relieved hepatic ischemia/reperfusion injury by inhibiting TRAF6/IKK signaling pathway in a Rac1-dependent manner.

期    刊:Molecular Immunology (影响因子:4.407)

发表时间:4 February 2022

作    者:Huang Z, Pu J, Luo Y, et al.


使用产品:Mouse IL-1β, TNF-α, IL6 ELISA kits

28.文章题目:SR-A neutralizing antibody: potential drug candidate for ameliorating osteoclastogenesis in rheumatoid arthritis.

期    刊:Clinical and Experimental Immunology(影响因子:4.33)

发表时间:2 February 2022

作    者:Xie Y, Jiang X, Wang P, et al.


使用产品:Mouse IL-6 ELISA kit

29.文章题目:Curcumin assists anti-EV71 activity of IFN-α by inhibiting IFNAR1 reduction in SH-SY5Y cells.

期    刊:Gut Pathogens(影响因子:4.181)  

发表时间:12 February 2022

作    者:Wang Y, Dan K, Xue X, et al.


使用产品:Human IFN-α, IFN-β ELISA kits

30.文章题目:A20 alleviated caspase-1-mediated pyroptosis and inflammation stimulated by Porphyromonas gingivalis lipopolysaccharide and nicotine through autophagy enhancement.

期    刊:Human Cell(影响因子:4.174)

发表时间:25 February 2022

作    者:Tang H, Ye Y, Li L, et al.


使用产品:Human IL-1β, IL-18, TNFα,IL-6 ELISA kits

31.文章题目:Exploration of the Function of Ginsenoside RD Attenuates Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Lung Injury: A Study of Network Pharmacology and Experimental Validation.

期    刊:Shock(影响因子:3.454)

发表时间:7 February 2022

作    者:Yang B, Wang R, Ji L L, et al.


使用产品:Mouse TNF-a, IL-1β ELISA kits

32.文章题目:Gut microbiota and butyrate contribute to nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in premenopause due to estrogen deficiency.

期    刊:PloS one(影响因子:3.24)  

发表时间:2 February 2022

作    者:Liu L, Fu Q, Li T, et al.


使用产品:Human insulin, leptin ELISA kits

33.文章题目:Ganoderic acid A ameliorates non?alcoholic streatohepatitis (NASH) induced by high?fat high?cholesterol diet in mice.  

期    刊:Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine(影响因子:2.447)

发表时间:24 February 2022

作    者:Zhu J, Ding J, Li S, et al.


使用产品:Mouse IL-1β, IL-6, TNF-α ELISA kits

34.文章题目:Biomimetic Alveolus-on-a-Chip for SARS-CoV-2 Infection Recapitulation.

期    刊:Research(影响因子:1.139)  

发表时间:4 February 2022

作    者:Cao T, Shao C, Yu X, et al.


使用产品:Human IL-6, IL-7, IL-8, TNF-α, ICAM-1, VEGF ELISA kits


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