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更新时间:2023-02-03   点击次数:542次

ProImmune公司成立于2000年,总部位于英国牛津,在免疫学功能检测多聚体产品和服务领域,是*可争议的*导者。ProImmune提供的MHC Class I 五聚体和MHC Class II四聚体,可用于特异性T细胞检测,广泛应用于肿瘤、传染性疾病、病毒、自身免疫性疾病和移植等热门领域的基础、疫苗和临床研究。




Pro5® I 类MHC 五聚体是一项*特并经证实的专利技术,在免疫监测、抗原特异性T细胞表征以及表位确认领域为行业领*者所广泛使用。在所有供应商中,ProImmune 的MHC 多聚体出版物数量的增长速度是最快的。目前已有超过650多篇出版物引用了Pro5® 多聚体的使用,其中一些文章发表在具有顶级影响因子的杂志上,如Lancet(柳叶刀)、Journal of Immunology(免疫学杂志)、Journal of ExperimentalMedicine(实验医学杂志)和Blood(血液)??突爬滴颐窍昃〉氖笛榉桨负图际蹙槔粗С植⑻嵘堑难芯抗ぷ?。



1.MHC Class I五聚体

2.MHC Class II四聚体



5.MHC Class II单体

6.MHC Class I单体

7.ProMix™ 混合肽




2.提供抗原表位发现服务(REVEAL Binding Assay)






供应商 产品编号 产品名称 规格
Proimmune Fxxx-1A-G 50 tests Biotin  50 tests
Proimmune Fxxx-1B-G 150 tests Biotin     150 tests
Proimmune ProImmune公司及主要产品线介绍
500 tests Biotin    
500 tests
Proimmune Fxxx-2A-G 50 tests R-PE     50 tests
Proimmune Fxxx-2B-G 150 tests R-PE     150 tests
Proimmune Fxxx-2C-G 500 tests R-PE     500 tests
Proimmune Fxxx-4A-G 50 tests APC     50 tests
Proimmune Fxxx-4B-G 150 tests APC     150 tests
Proimmune Fxxx-4C-G 500 tests APC     500 tests
Proimmune Fxxx-0A-G 50 tests unlabeled     50 tests
Proimmune Fxxx-0B-G 150 tests unlabeled     150 tests
Proimmune Fxxx-0C-G 500 tests unlabeled     500 tests
Proimmune Fxxx-81A-G 50 tests Biotin + anti-CD8 FITC     50 tests
Proimmune Fxxx-81B-G 150 tests Biotin + anti-CD8 FITC     150 tests
Proimmune Fxxx-81C-G 500 tests Biotin + anti-CD8 FITC     500 tests
Proimmune ProImmune公司及主要产品线介绍
50 tests R-PE + anti-CD8 FITC     50 tests
Proimmune Fxxx-82B-G 150 tests R-PE + anti-CD8 FITC     150 tests
Proimmune Fxxx-82C-G 500 tests R-PE + anti-CD8 FITC     500 tests
Proimmune Fxxx-84A-G 50 tests APC + anti-CD8 FITC     50 tests
Proimmune Fxxx-84B-G 150 tests APC  + anti-CD8 FITC     150 tests
Proimmune Fxxx-84C-G 500 tests APC + anti-CD8 FITC     500 tests
Proimmune Fxxx-80A-G 50 tests unlabeled + anti-CD8 FITC     50 tests
Proimmune Fxxx-80B-G 150 tests unlabeled + anti-CD8 FITC     150 tests
Proimmune Fxxx-80C-G 500 tests unlabeled + anti-CD8 FITC     500 tests
Proimmune F1A-G 50 tests Biotin     50 tests
Proimmune F1B-G 150 tests Biotin     150 tests
Proimmune F1C-G 500 tests Biotin     500 tests
Proimmune F2A-G 50 tests R-PE     50 tests
Proimmune F2B-G 150 tests R-PE     150 tests
Proimmune F2C-G 500 tests R-PE     500 tests
Proimmune F4A-G 50 tests APC     50 tests
Proimmune ProImmune公司及主要产品线介绍
150 tests APC     150 tests
Proimmune F4C-G 500 tests APC     500 tests
Proimmune F0A-G 50 tests unlabeled     50 tests
Proimmune F0B-G 150 tests unlabeled     150 tests
Proimmune F0C-G 500 tests unlabeled     500 tests
Proimmune F81A-G 50 tests Biotin + anti-CD8 FITC     50 tests
Proimmune F81B-G 150 tests Biotin + anti-CD8 FITC     150 tests
Proimmune F81C-G 500 tests Biotin + anti-CD8 FITC     500 tests
Proimmune F82A-G 50 tests R-PE + anti-CD8 FITC     50 tests
Proimmune F82B-G 150 tests R-PE + anti-CD8 FITC     150 tests
Proimmune F82C-G 500 tests R-PE + anti-CD8 FITC     500 tests
Proimmune F84A-G 50 tests APC + anti-CD8 FITC     50 tests
Proimmune F84B-G 150 tests APC  + anti-CD8 FITC     150 tests
Proimmune ProImmune公司及主要产品线介绍
500 tests APC + anti-CD8 FITC     500 tests
Proimmune F80A-G 50 tests unlabeled + anti-CD8 FITC     50 tests
Proimmune F80B-G 150 tests unlabeled + anti-CD8 FITC     150 tests
Proimmune F80C-G 500 tests unlabeled + anti-CD8 FITC     500 tests
Proimmune L1A-G 20-50 tests unlabeled ProVE® Pent.+ 20 tests Pro5® Biotag     20-50 tests
Proimmune L2A-G 20-50 tests unlab. ProVE® Pent. + 20 tests Pro5® R-PE Fluorotag     20-50 tests
Proimmune L4A-G 20-50 tests unlab. ProVE® Pent. + 20 tests Pro5® APC Fluorotag     20-50 tests
Proimmune L1B-G 20-50 tests unlabeled ProVE® Pent.+ 20 tests Pro5® Biotag     20-50 tests
Proimmune L2B-G 20-50 tests unlab. ProVE® Pent. + 20 tests Pro5® R-PE Fluorotag     20-50 tests
Proimmune L4B-G 20-50 tests unlab. ProVE® Pent. + 20 tests Pro5® APC Fluorotag     20-50 tests
Proimmune Mxxx-1A-G 35 micrograms biotin labeled monomer     ea
Proimmune Mxxx-1B-G 100 micrograms biotin labeled monomer     ea
Proimmune M1A-G 35 micrograms biotin labeled monomer     ea
Proimmune M1B-G 100 micrograms biotin labeled monomer     ea
Proimmune K1A-G 50 tests Pro5® Biotag (biotin label)     50 tests
Proimmune K1B-G 150 tests Pro5® Biotag (biotin label)     150 tests
Proimmune K1C-G 500 tests Pro5® Biotag (biotin label)     500 tests
Proimmune K2A-G 50 tests Pro5® R-PE label     50 tests
Proimmune K2B-G 150 tests Pro5® R-PE label     150 tests
Proimmune K2C-G 500 tests Pro5® R-PE label     500 tests
Proimmune K4A-G 50 tests Pro5® APC label     50 tests
Proimmune K4B-G 150 tests Pro5® APC label     150 tests
Proimmune K4C-G 500 tests Pro5® APC label     500 tests
Proimmune TTxxx-2A-G 50 tests R-PE labelled MHC class II tetramer     50 tests
Proimmune TTxxx-2B-G 150 tests R-PE labelled MHC class II tetramer     150 tests
Proimmune TTxxx-4A-G 50 tests APC labelled MHC class II tetramer     50 tests
Proimmune TTxxx-4B-G 150 tests APC labelled MHC class II tetramer     150 tests
Proimmune TT2A-G 50 tests R-PE labelled MHC class II tetramer     50 tests
Proimmune TT2B-G 150 tests R-PE labelled MHC class II tetramer     150 tests
Proimmune TT4A-G 50 tests APC labelled MHC class II tetramer     50 tests
Proimmune TT4B-G 150 tests APC labelled MHC class II tetramer     150 tests
Proimmune MTxxx-1A-G 35 micrograms biotinylated monomer     ea
Proimmune MTxxx-1B-G 100 micrograms biotinylated monomer     ea
Proimmune MT1A-G 35 micrograms biotinylated monomer     ea
Proimmune MT1B-G 100 micrograms biotinylated monomer     ea
Proimmune KM2A-G Streptavidin R-PE for 35ug ProM2®     ea
Proimmune KM2B-G Streptavidin R-PE for 100ug ProM2®     ea
Proimmune KM4A-G Streptavidin APC for 35ug ProM2®     ea
Proimmune KM4B-G Streptavidin APC for 100ug ProM2®     ea
Proimmune D000-2A-G 50 tests human CD1d empty R-PE label     50 tests
Proimmune D000-2B-G 150 tests human CD1d empty R-PE label     150 tests
Proimmune D000-2C-G 500 tests human CD1d empty R-PE label     500 tests
Proimmune D000-4A-G 50 tests human CD1d empty APC label     50 tests
Proimmune D000-4B-G 150 tests human CD1d empty APC label     150 tests
Proimmune D000-4C-G 500 tests human CD1d empty APC label     500 tests
Proimmune D001-2A-G 50 tests human CD1d loaded R-PE label     50 tests
Proimmune D001-2B-G 150 tests human CD1d loaded R-PE label     150 tests
Proimmune D001-2C-G 500 tests human CD1d loaded R-PE label     500 tests
Proimmune D001-4A-G 50 tests human CD1d loaded APC label     50 tests
Proimmune D001-4B-G 150 tests human CD1d loaded APC label     150 tests
Proimmune D001-4C-G 500 tests human CD1d loaded APC label     500 tests
Proimmune D002-2A-G 50 tests human CD1d negative control R-PE label     50 tests
Proimmune D002-2B-G 150 tests human CD1d negative control R-PE label     150 tests
Proimmune D002-2C-G 500 tests human CD1d negative control R-PE label     500 tests
Proimmune D002-4A-G 50 tests human CD1d negative control APC label     50 tests
Proimmune D002-4B-G 150 tests human CD1d negative control APC label     150 tests




详情请联系 Proimmune中国授权代理-欣博盛生物    

无线卫星核相器| 水质检测仪| 低噪声电流前置放大器| 导电滑触线| 钢板切割加工「厂家价格低」| 液氮冷冻设备厂家| Supersil色谱柱| 南京桑力电子设备厂| 耐驰旋转流变仪| 引进型流量计| 裂解炉专用热电偶| 造粒机橡胶衬板| 免疫球蛋白G4Elisa试剂盒| 淄博乾润机械| 无线高压核相器| 异频线路参数测试仪| 二联件三联件| 污水厂自动检测| 离子风机| 汽车衡维修| 地下金属管道探测仪| 微波水热平行合成仪| 上海电子秤厂家| 安徽泳池水次氯酸钠发生器| 滚筒电子秤| 印刷机水箱过滤器| 个体防爆型粉尘采样器厂家| 有毒有害气体检测仪| DQ模块| 便携式粗糙度仪| 彩色地坪| GDW高低温试验箱| 盐雾腐蚀试验箱| TX7寸显示触摸屏| 绞线机| 在线氨氮检测仪| 锐博恩饲料机械| 呼吸拉伸缠绕膜| 变频器| 东莞骏美机械科技| 石膏粉干燥机|