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OTAL-NUCLEAR-ID® green/red nucleolar/nuclear detection kit

更新时间:2023-08-28   点击次数:350次

ENZO热销产品——TOTAL-NUCLEAR-ID® green/red nucleolar/nuclear detection kit核仁/细胞核检测试剂盒(绿色/红色)


ENZO的TOTAL-NUCLEAR-ID® green/red nucleolar/nuclear detection kit包含两种专有染料,适用于同时对细胞核和核仁进行活细胞染色。这些染料可以检验由细胞周期和核糖体发生等生物过程引起的细胞内分布、运输和定位的核仁动态变化。该试剂盒与大多数荧光检测系统兼容,包括常规和共聚焦荧光显微镜,以及高内涵筛选(HCS)平台。TOTAL-NUCLEAR-ID® green/red nucleolar/nuclear detection kit专门设计用于观察活细胞中的核仁和细胞核,潜在应用包括监测受损核糖体的生物生成、抑制转录、细胞周期动力学和细胞应激,以及核仁蛋白的分布、运输和动力学,病毒蛋白的分布,并可能有助于识别癌症细胞。



● 同时对活细胞中的核仁和细胞核染色

● 高耐光漂白性和抗淬灭,即使在长时间观察后也能确保强烈一致的荧光信号

● 已验证在活细胞成像应用中的实用性,对核仁扰动剂的治疗有适当的反应性

● 生产严格,以控制和消除非特异性结果



● NUCLEOLAR-ID®绿色检测试剂(A)和NUCLEOR-ID®红色检测试剂(B)的吸收和发射光谱

ENZO热销产品——TOTAL-NUCLEAR-ID® green/red nucleolar/nuclear detection kit核仁/细胞核检测试剂盒(绿色/红色)

● 用NUCLEOLAR-ID®绿色检测试剂染色的细胞在核仁内显示出最大的荧光信号,在整个细胞核和细胞质中显示出微弱的荧光(A)。当用低剂量放线菌素D处理细胞时,观察到核仁染色丢失(B)。与较弱的细胞质染色相比,使用NUCLEOLAR-ID®红色检测试剂进行反染色有助于突出核仁。

ENZO热销产品——TOTAL-NUCLEAR-ID® green/red nucleolar/nuclear detection kit核仁/细胞核检测试剂盒(绿色/红色)

● 用TOTAL-NUCLEAR-ID® Green/Red Nucleolar/ Nuclear Detection Kit对U2OS活细胞进行染色,通过荧光显微镜观察细胞核(红色)和核仁(黄绿色)的染色结果。作为一种RNA染料,NUCLEOLAR-ID®绿色染料也显示出一些细胞质染色,但NUCLEOR-ID®红色染料有助于在高亮显示的红色细胞核荧光信号范围内,将核仁明确识别为绿色荧光信号。

ENZO热销产品——TOTAL-NUCLEAR-ID® green/red nucleolar/nuclear detection kit核仁/细胞核检测试剂盒(绿色/红色) 

● U2OS细胞中染色为红色的细胞核和染色为绿色的核仁的3D重建

ENZO热销产品——TOTAL-NUCLEAR-ID® green/red nucleolar/nuclear detection kit核仁/细胞核检测试剂盒(绿色/红色)



产品名称TOTAL-NUCLEAR-ID® green/red nucleolar/nuclear detection kit
产品规格500 assays
质量控制A sample from each lot of TOTAL-NUCLEAR-ID® Green/ Red Nucleolus/Nucleus Detection Kit is used to stain HeLa cells using the procedures described in the user manual. Cells stained with NUCLEOLAR-ID® Green Detection Reagent show maximal fluorescence signal within the nucleoli, with only faint fluorescence throughout the nucleus and cytoplasm. NUCLEAR-ID® Red Detection Reagent maximally stains the DNA in the cell nucleus. Cells induced by actinomycin D show reduction of nucleolar signal.
应用Fluorescence microscopy, Fluorescent detection
For visualizing nucleoli and nuclei simultaneously in living cells.
组分NUCLEOLAR-ID® Green Detection Reagent, 50 µL
NUCLEAR-ID® Red Detection Reagent, 50 µL
Actinomycin D Control, 125 µg
10X Assay Buffer, 15 mL
产品说明The TOTAL-NUCLEAR-ID® green/red nucleolar/nuclear detection kit is a member of the CELLESTIAL® product line, reagents and assay kits comprising fluorescent molecular probes that have been extensively benchmarked for live cell analysis applications. CELLESTIAL® reagents and kits are optimal for use in demanding imaging applications, such as confocal microscopy, flow cytometry and HCS, where consistency and reproducibility are required.



1. Guanidinylated bioresponsive poly(amido amine)s designed for intranuclear gene delivery: J. Yu, et al.; Int. J. Nanomedicine 11, 4011 (2016), Application(s): Confocal microscopy using MCF7 cells

2. Dose-dependent role of the cohesin complex in normal and malignant hematopoiesis: A.D. Viny, et al.; J. Exp. Med. 212, 1819 (2015), Application(s): Confocal microscopy

3. Small-molecule multi-targeted kinase inhibitor RGB-286638 triggers P53-dependent and -independent anti-multiple myeloma activity through inhibition of transcriptional CDKs: D. Cirstea, et al.; Leukemia 27, 2366 (2013), Application(s): Nucleolar segregation analysis by immunofluorescence

4. Mismatch in mechanical and adhesive properties induces pulsating cancer cell migration in epithelial monolayer: M.H. Lee, et al.; Biophys. J. 102, 2731 (2012), Application(s): Detection of nuclei and nucleoli in breast cell lines using fluorescence microscopy

5. AFM stiffness nanotomography of normal, metaplastic and dysplastic human esophageal cells: A. Fuhrmann, et al.; Phys. Biol. 8, 015007 (2011), Application(s): Fluorescence lifetime imaging of normal and dysplasic esophageal cells

6. Strategies of actin reorganisation in plant cells: A.P. Smertenko, et al.; J. Cell Sci. 123, 3019 (2010), Application(s): Staining of plant cells

ENZO热销产品——TOTAL-NUCLEAR-ID® green/red nucleolar/nuclear detection kit核仁/细胞核检测试剂盒(绿色/红色) 

详情请联系 ENZO 金牌代理商-欣博盛生物科技

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