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Nucleosome, Recombinant Human, H2BK120ub1 dNuc, Biotinylated

更新时间:2023-12-21   点击次数:287次

EpiCypher是一家为表观遗传学和染色质生物学研究提供高质量试剂和工具的专业制造商。EpiCypher生产的在E. coli中表达的重组人单核小体(组蛋白H2A、H2B、H3和H4各2个;accession numbers:H2A-P04908;H2B-O60814;H3.1-P68431;H4-P62805)由601位处的147个DNA碱基对缠绕在组蛋白上构成。组蛋白H2B(由专门的半合成方法产生)在120位处含有泛素赖氨酸。核小体是染色质的基本单位,Lowary和Widom鉴定的601序列是一个含有147碱基对的序列,对组蛋白八聚体具有高亲和力,可用于核小体组装,并含有5'biotin-TEG基团。适合用作酶筛选分析或效应蛋白结合实验的底物。

[1] Lowary and Widom J. Mol. Biol. (1998). PMID: 9514715


标签: Biotinylated

保存温度:Stable for six months at -80°C from date of receipt. For best results, aliquot and avoid multiple freeze/thaws.

产品形式: H2BK120ub dNuc (14.4 µg protein weight, 25 µg DNA + protein) in 22.5 µL 10 mM Tris HCl pH 7.5, 25 mM NaCl, 1 mM EDTA, 2 mM DTT, 20% glycerol. Molarity = 5.12 μM. MW = 216,985.9 Da.


Epicypher热销产品——Nucleosome, Recombinant Human, H2BK120ub1 dNuc, Biotinylated

Figure 1: Western blot data

Western Analysis of Nucleosome, Recombinant Human, H2BK120ub. 

Top Panel: Unmodified H3 (Lane 1) and H2BK120ub containing nucleosomes 

(Lane 2) were probed with an anti-H2BK120ub antibody and analyzed via ECL

 readout. Only the H2BK120ub sample produced a detectable signal. Bottom 

Panel: Detail from Coomassie stained gel showing unmodified nucleosomes 

(Lane 1) and H2BK120ub nucleosomes (Lane 2).

Epicypher热销产品——Nucleosome, Recombinant Human, H2BK120ub1 dNuc, Biotinylated

Figure 2: Mass spec data H2BK120ub protein analyzed by high 

resolution mass spectrometry. Expected mass = 22,321.8 Da. Determined 

mass = 22,320.3 Da.

Epicypher热销产品——Nucleosome, Recombinant Human, H2BK120ub1 dNuc, Biotinylated

Figure 3: Protein gel data

Coomassie stained PAGE gel of proteins in Nucleosome, Recombinant 

Human, H2BK120ub (1 μg) to demonstrate the purity of the histones in the 

preparation. Sizes of molecular weight markers and positions of the core 

histones (H2A, H2BK120ub, H3.1, and H4) are indicated.

Epicypher热销产品——Nucleosome, Recombinant Human, H2BK120ub1 dNuc, Biotinylated

Figure 4: DNA gel data

Nucleosome, Recombinant Human, H2BK120ub dNucs resolved via native 

PAGE and stained with ethidium bromide to visualize DNA. Lane 1: Free 

DNA (100 ng). Lane 2: Intact H2BK120ub nucleosome (400 ng).






Nucleosome, Recombinant Human, H2BK120ub1 dNuc, Biotinylated   

25 µg   

Epicypher热销产品——CUTANA™ pAG-Tn5 for CUT&Tag


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