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TXB2 ELISA kit--3小时内即可得结果

更新时间:2024-02-19   点击次数:233次




Enzo Life Sciences提供的TXB2 ELISA试剂盒是一种比色竞争法试剂盒,可在3小时内得到结果,在405 nm处读取吸光值。在便捷的96孔板式检测中,可通过检测TXB2的产生来评估COX I的抑制情况。TXB2 ELISA试剂盒提供易于使用的、稳定的液体彩色编码试剂,可帮助减少实验操作中的错误。欣博盛生物作为Enzo Life Sciences授权中国一级代理,可提供该产品,欢迎咨询。



◆ 高灵敏度,最-低可检测10.54 pg/ml的TXB2

◆ 高通量,可在3小时内检测37份样本(含复孔)

◆ 各种样本类型在文献中被广泛引用,包括粘膜、组织、血清、血浆、尿液等

◆ 结果可靠,重复性好




ADI-900-002/ ADI-901-002


TXB2 ELISA kit(血栓素B2 ELISA试剂盒)/欣博盛生物


96 wells / 5x96 wells


10.54 pg/ml


13.7 - 10,000 pg/ml


<3 hours


Thromboxane B2


ELISA, Colorimetric detection


For the quantitative determination of TXB2 in culture supernatants, plasma, serum, 

saliva, and urine from any species. Cited sample types include cell lysate, coronary 

effluent, liver perfusate, platelets, and whole blood.


405 nm




Blue Ice Not Frozen




GxR IgG Microtiter plate, Conjugate, Antibody, Assay buffer, Wash buffer concentrate, 

Standard, pNpp Substrate, Stop solution



 TXB2 ELISA kit——ENZO热销产品 



1. Chronic edible dosing of Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in nonhuman primates reduces systemic platelet activity and function: S.E. Reitsma, et al.; Am. J. Physiol. Cell Physiol. 322, 370 (2022)

2. Differential effects of cyclo-oxygenase 1 and 2 inhibition on angiogenesis inhibitor-induced hypertension and kidney damage: K.M. Mirabito Colafella, et al.; Clin. Sci. (Lond.) 136, 675 (2022)

3. Infection of Galleria mellonella (lepidoptera) larvae with the entomopathogenic fungus Conidiobolus coronatus (entomophthorales) induces apoptosis of hemocytes and affects the concentration of eicosanoids in the hemolymph: A.K. Wronska, et al.; Front. Physiol. 12, 774086 (2022)

4. Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic profiles of a novel phospholipid-aspirin complex liquid formulation and low dose enteric-coated aspirin: results from a prospective, randomized, crossover study: F. Franchi, et al.; J. Thromb. Thrombolysis 54, 373 (2022)

5. Antioxidants and/or fish oil reduce intermittent hypoxia-induced inflammation in the neonatal rat terminal ileum: G. Mustafa, et al.; Prostaglandins Other Lipid Mediat. 155, 106565 (2021)

6. Effects of intestinal flora on the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of aspirin in high-altitude hypoxia: Y. Sun, et al.; PLoS One 15, e0230197 (2020)

7. Redundant role of ASK1-mediated p38MAPK activation in human platelet function: K.M. Sledz, et al.; Cell. Signal. 68, 109528 (2020)

8. Unexpected effects of long-term treatment with acetylsalicylic acid on late phase of pulmonary metastasis in murine model of orthotopic breast cancer: M. Smeda, et al.; PLoS One 15, e0230520 (2020)

9. A comparative study on the effect of argan oil versus fish oil on risk factors for cardio-vascular disease in high-fat-fed rats: A. Haimeur, et al.; Nutrition 57, 32 (2019)

10. Critical roles for the phosphatidylinositide 3-kinase isoforms p110β and p110γ in thrombopoietin-mediated priming of platelet function: S.F. Moore, et al.; Sci. Rep. 9, 1468 (2019)

11. Endothelin-1-Induced Microvascular ROS and Contractility in Angiotensin-II-Infused Mice Depend on COX and TP Receptors: C.S. Wilcox, et al.; Antioxidants (Basel) 8, E193 (2019)

12. Hyperglycemia enhances constriction of retinal venules via activation of the reverse-mode sodium-calcium exchanger: Y.L. Chen, et al.; Diabetes 68, 1624 (2019)

13. Ligustrazine inhibits platelet activation via suppression of the Akt pathway: L. Li, et al.; Int. J. Mol. Med. 43, 575 (2019)

14. Molecular profiling and functional analysis of macrophage-derived tumor extracellular vesicles: C. Cianciaruso, et al.; Cell Rep. 27, 3062 (2019)

15. Inhibitory Effects of an Orally Active Thromboxane A2 Receptor Antagonist, nstpbp5185, on Atherosclerosis in ApoE-Deficient Mice: S.W. Huang, et al.; Thromb. Haemost. 118, 401 (2018)



TXB2 ELISA kit——ENZO热销产品

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