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  • CleanCap OVA mRNA, 1 mg
    CleanCap OVA mRNA, 1 mg

    Ovalbumin (OVA) is a member of the serpin superfamily and the predominant glycoprotein found in egg whites. It is a commonly used antigen for immunization and biochemical studies and is an establishe…

  • CleanCap Cas9 mRNA, 100 ug
    CleanCap Cas9 mRNA, 100 ug

    Cas9 mRNA expresses a version of the Streptococcus pyogenes SF370 Cas9 protein (CRISPR Associated Protein 9). Cas9 functions as part of the CRISPR (Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic R…

  • CleanCap FLuc mRNA (5moU), 100 ug
    CleanCap FLuc mRNA (5moU), 100 ug

    The FLuc mRNA will express a luciferase protein, originally isolated from the firefly, Photinus pyralis. FLuc is commonly used in mammalian cell culture to measure both gene expression and cell viabi…

  • 5-Methylcytidine-5'-Triphosphate, 10 umoles
    5-Methylcytidine-5'-Triphosphate, 10 umoles

    RNA methylation signals a plethora of cellular functions including biochemical and metabolic stabilization of RNA, immune response, resistance to antibiotics, mRNA reading frame maintenance, splicing…

  • Pseudouridine-5'-Triphosphate, 5 umoles
    Pseudouridine-5'-Triphosphate, 5 umoles

    Pseudouridine (5-ribosyluracil) was the first modified ribonucleoside discovered. It is the most abundant natural modified RNA base, and has been deemed the “fifth nucleoside“ in RNA. It can be found…

  • CleanCap® EGFP mRNA (5moU)
    CleanCap® EGFP mRNA (5moU)

    The EGFP mRNA will express an enhanced version of the green fluorescent protein, originally isolated from the jellyfish, Aequorea victoria. EGFP is a commonly used direct detection reporter in mammal…

  • Pseudouridine-5'-Triphosphate, 1 umole
    Pseudouridine-5'-Triphosphate, 1 umole

    Pseudouridine (5-ribosyluracil) was the first modified ribonucleoside discovered. It is the most abundant natural modified RNA base, and has been deemed the “fifth nucleoside“ in RNA. It can be found…

  • CleanCap® EGFP mRNA
    CleanCap® EGFP mRNA

    The EGFP mRNA will express an enhanced version of the green fluorescent protein, originally isolated from the jellyfish, Aequorea victoria. EGFP is a commonly used direct detection reporter in mammal…

  • Biotin-16-Aminoallyl-2'-deoxycytidine-5'-Triphosph

    Biotin-16-Aminoallyl-2'-deoxycytidine-5'-Triphosphate can be used for enzymatic incorporation of biotin into DNA via PCR, nick translation, primer extension using Klenow(exo-) DNA polymerase, and 3' …

  • CleanCap® FLuc mRNA
    CleanCap® FLuc mRNA

    The FLuc mRNA will express a luciferase protein, originally isolated from the firefly, Photinus pyralis. FLuc is commonly used in mammalian cell culture to measure both gene expression and cell viabi…

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