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Cyanine 5-UTP (enhanced)



Cyanine 5-UTP (Enhanced) can replace UTP as a substrate for T7 RNA polymerase in labeling systems that generate labeled probes through in vitro transcription. Probes generated by these methods are ……

Cyanine 5-UTP (Enhanced) can replace UTP as a substrate for T7 RNA polymerase in labeling systems that generate labeled probes through in vitro transcription. Probes generated by these methods are suitable for multicolor fluorescence analysis, specifically dual-color expression arrays in conjunction with cyanine 3-UTP.

Product Details

Alternative Name:Cyanine 5-uridine-5’-triphosphate (enhanced)


Formulation:Liquid. Solution in water.

Excitation maximum:650 nm

Emission maximum:665 nm

Extinction Coefficient:250,000 M-1 cm-1 (650 nm in TE [10 mM TRIS, pH 8.0, 1 mM EDTA])

Purity:≥93% (HPLC)

Purity Detail:Purified by ion-exchange chromatography.

Appearance:Blue liquid.

Shipping:Shipped on Dry Ice

Long Term Storage:-20°C

Use/Stability:Stable for at least one year after receipt when stored as recommended.

Handling:Protect from light. Avoid freeze/thaw cycles.

Technical Info/Product Notes:Several of Enzo’s products and product applications are covered by US and foreign patents and patents pending.

Regulatory Status:RUO - Research Use Only

<strong>Cyanine 5-UTP (enhanced)</strong> image



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