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CYTO-ID® Autophagy detection kit



CYTO-ID® Autophagy Detection Kit measures autophagic vacuoles and monitors autophagic flux in lysosomally inhibited live cells using a novel dye that selectively labels accumulated autophagic ……

  • No transfection required

  • Proprietary dye includes titratable moieties specific for selectively staining autophagic vesicles

  • Protocol validated with known inhibitors and activators of autophagic activity

  • Rapidly quantifies autophagy in native heterogeneous cell populations

  • Eliminates need for time and effort-consuming transfection efficiency validation required with LC3-GFP transfection

  • Selective and comprehensive staining, allows measurement and differentiation between autophagic flux and autophagolysosome accumulation

  • Negligible staining of lysosomes reduces background seen with other dyes

  • Facilitates high-throughput screening of activators and inhibitors of autophagy

CYTO-ID® Autophagy Detection Kit measures autophagic vacuoles and monitors autophagic flux in lysosomally inhibited live cells using a novel dye that selectively labels accumulated autophagic vacuoles. The dye has been optimized through the identification of titratable functional moieties that allow for minimal staining of lysosomes while exhibiting bright fluorescence upon incorporation into pre-autophagosomes, autophagosomes, and autolysosomes (autophagolysosomes). The assay offers a rapid and quantitative approach to monitoring autophagy in live cells without the need for cell transfection.

Mechanism of Action
The probe is a cationic amphiphilic tracer (CAT) dye that rapidly partitions into cells in a similar manner as drugs that induce phospholipidosis. Careful selection of titratable functional moieties on the dye prevents its accumulation within lysosomes, but enables labeling of vacuoles associated with the autophagy pathway.
CYTO-ID® Autophagy detection kit Fig4-web
Eliminate background resulting from non-specific lysosomal staining. CYTO-ID® Green dye eliminates background staining of lysosomes seen with other lysosomotrophic dye-based assays that utilize monodansylcadaverine (MDC) (bottom panel). The CYTO-ID® Autophagy kit eliminates the need for a 350 nm UV laser for live cell analysis, and is compatible for use with Hoechst dyes for co-labeling in microscopy applications.
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CYTO-ID® Autophagy detection kit Kit box imageCYTO-ID® Autophagy detection kit Fig3-webCYTO-ID® Autophagy detection kit Fig1-webCYTO-ID® Autophagy detection kit Fig2-webCYTO-ID® Autophagy detection kit Fig4-webCYTO-ID® Autophagy detection kit Fig5-webCYTO-ID® Autophagy detection kit Flow CytometryCYTO-ID® Autophagy detection kit Flow CytometryCYTO-ID® Autophagy detection kit 2.0 image

Product Details

Applications:Flow Cytometry, Fluorescence microscopy, Fluorescent detection, HTS

Application Notes:The CYTO-ID® Autophagy detection kit provides a rapid, specific and quantitative approach for monitoring autophagy in live cells by fluorescence microscopy, flow cytometry, and microplate reader.

Quality Control:A sample from each lot of CYTO-ID® Autophagy detection kit is used to stain HeLa Cells as described in user manual. CYTO-ID® autophagy detection reagent is incorporated into induced cells, observed as accumulative typical spherical vacuoles in foci or throughout cytoplasm. Comparing to untreated HeLa cells, treated sample demonstrate significant increase in fluorescence under microscope.

Quantity:For -K200 size:
200 flow cytometry assays, 250 microscopy assays or 3 x 96-well microplate assays.

For -0050 size:
50 flow cytometry assays, 60 microscopy assays or 1 x 96-well microplate assays.

Use/Stability:With proper storage, the kit components are stable for one year from date of receipt.

Handling:Protect from light. Avoid freeze/thaw cycles.

Shipping:Shipped on Blue Ice

Short Term Storage:-20°C

Long Term Storage:-80°C

Contents:CYTO-ID® Green Detection Reagent
Hoechst 33342 Nuclear Stain
Autophagy Inducer (Rapamycin)
Chloroquine Control
10X Assay Buffer

Scientific Background:Autophagy is a stress-induced protective mechanism. Less active under basal conditions, the mechanism is utilized by eukaryotic cells through lysosome-mediated bulk degradation of cellular contents when subjected to certain hostile conditions such as nutrient depletion and chemical or environmental stress. The role of increased autophagic activity in the pathology of cancer, neurodegeneration, cardiovascular disease and diabetes has become widely recognized and commonly studied. Induction of autophagic flux can be visualized by enhanced accumulation of autophagic vesicles if lysosomal function is inhibited, preventing removal of these vesicles.

Technical Info/Product Notes:The CYTO-ID® Autophagy Detection kit is a member of the CELLESTIAL® product line, reagents and assay kits comprising fluorescent molecular probes that have been extensively benchmarked for live cell analysis applications.

Featured in:
Nature Methods - Autophagy: eat thyself, sustain thyself - Nature Methods, 12.2015
Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News - HTS Profiling Method for Autophagy-Modulators

Application Notes:
Autophagy Analysis Using Object Spot Counting Using Gen5 to Analyze the Size and Number of Autophagosomes Per Nuclei

Towards Understanding the Molecular Basis of Parkinson’s Disease: Cell-based Model of Mitophagy and Aggresome Accumulation

Response Profiles of Known Autophagy-Modulators Across Multiple Cell Lines: Using CYTO-ID® Autophagy Dye to assess Compound Activity and Toxicity

Cell-Based Screening of Focused Bioactive Compound Libraries: Assessing Small Molecule Modulators of the Canonical Wnt Signaling and Autophagy-Lysosome Pathways

A Novel Image-Based Cytometry Method for Autophagy Detection in Living Cells

Predictive High-Content/High-Throughput Assays for Hepatotoxicity Using Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell (iPSC)-Derived Hepatocytes

Visualizing subcellular vesicles to quantitate autophagy in neuronal cells

Cited samples:
For an overview on cited samples please click here.

Protocol:A detailed protocol for FC in primary BMDCs can be found on bioprotocol.org:
Flow Cytometric Analysis of Autophagic Activity with CYTO-ID Staining in Primary Cells by M. Stankov, et al.

Regulatory Status:RUO - Research Use Only

Product Literature References

ABCE1 Regulates RNase L-Induced Autophagy during Viral Infections: B. Ramnan, et al.; Viruses 14, 316 (2021), Abstract; Full Text
Advanced Maternal Age Deteriorates the Developmental Competence of Vitrified Oocytes in Mice: J. H. Lee, et al.; Cells 10, 1563 (2021), Abstract;
Aggregated Tau-PHF6 (VQIVYK) Potentiates NLRP3 Inflammasome Expression and Autophagy in Human Microglial Cells: C. Panda, et al.; Cells 10, 1652 (2021), Abstract;
Alpha-1 antitrypsin counteracts heme-induced endothelial cell inflammatory activation, autophagy dysfunction and death: K. Madyaningrana, et al.; Redox Biol. 46, 10260 (2021), Abstract;
Alpha1-antitrypsin counteracts heme-induced endothelial cell inflammatory activation, autophagy dysfunction and death: K. Madyaningrana, et al.; Redox Biol. 46, 102060 (2021), Abstract;
AMPK-Mediated Metabolic Switching Is High Effective for Phytochemical Levo-Tetrahydropalmatine (l-THP) to Reduce Hepatocellular Carcinoma Tumor Growth: X. Yin, et al.; Metabolites 11, 811 (2021), Abstract;
AMPK-Mediated Metabolic Switching Is High Effective for Phytochemical Levo-Tetrahydropalmatine (l-THP) to Reduce Hepatocellular Carcinoma Tumor Growth: X. Yin, et al.; Metabolites 11, 811 (2021), Abstract;
Anti-Androgen Therapy Radiosensitizes Androgen Receptor Positive Cancers to F-18 Fluorodeoxyglucose: I. Singaravelu, et al.; J. Nucl. Med. 121, 262958 (2021), Abstract;



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