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G418 . sulfate



Gentamycin-class aminoglycoside antibiotic. Cytotoxic to prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Induces apoptosis. Widely employed in the selection of eukaryotic expression vectors, in combination with ……

Gentamycin-class aminoglycoside antibiotic. Cytotoxic to prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Induces apoptosis. Widely employed in the selection of eukaryotic expression vectors, in combination with either aminoglycoside phosphotransferase 3’ or APH II.

Product Details

Alternative Name:Geneticin

Formula:C20H40N4O10 . 2H2SO4

MW:496.6 . 196.1

Source:Isolated from Micromonospora rhodorangea.



Identity:Determined by IR.

Appearance:White to off-white powder.

Activity:Potency: ≥700 µg/mg

Solubility:Soluble in water.


Long Term Storage:-20°C

Use/Stability:Solutions are stable for 3 to 6 months when stored at -20°C.

Handling:Avoid freeze/thaw cycles.

Scientific Background:This product is the disulfide salt form of G418 CAS# 49863-47-0.

Technical Info/Product Notes:The effective killing concentration of this antibiotic will vary as to the cell type, media, growth conditions, and the cells metabolic rate and position in the cell cycle. Effective concentrations have been reported from 100 µg/ml up to 5 mg/ml or greater. When using G418 in a new cell system, a full dose curve is suggested and with each new lot of G418, several points on that curve should be retested, as the potency determined in a standard B. subtilis assay) may not exactly correlate to your system.

Regulatory Status:RUO - Research Use Only

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Product Literature References

Inhibition of gastric H+,K+-ATPase by new dihydropyrazole derivative KYY-008: T. Fujii, et al.; Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 567, 177 (2021), Abstract;
Overexpression of ABCC1 Confers Drug Resistance to Betulin: X. Chen, et al.; Front. Oncol. 11, 640656 (2021), Application(s): Cell treatment (carcinoma cell lines: HEK293), Abstract; Full Text
Transcriptional suppression of ribosomal DNA with phase separation: S. Ide, et al.; Sci. Adv. 6, 42 (2020), Abstract; Full Text
Remodeling the endoplasmic reticulum proteostasis network restores proteostasis of pathogenic GABAA receptors: Y.L. Fu, et al.; PLoS One 13, e0207948 (2018), Abstract;
Adropin reduces paracellular permeability of rat brain endothelial cells exposed to ischemia-like conditions: C. Yang, et al.; Peptides 81, 29 (2016), Application(s): Cell culture, Abstract;
Positive regulation of the enzymatic activity of gastric H+,K+-ATPase by sialylation of its β-subunit: T. Fujii, et al.; Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1858, 1228 (2016), Application(s): Cell culture, Abstract;
SIRT1 controls cell proliferation by regulating contact inhibition: E.H. Cho, et al.; Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 478, 868 (2016), Application(s): Transfection and establishment of stable SIRT1-overexpression cell line, Abstract;
Immunogenic Subviral Particles Displaying Domain III of Dengue 2 Envelope Protein Vectored by Measles Virus: I.S. Harahap-Carrillo, et al.; Vaccines (Basel) 3, 503 (2015), Application(s): Cell Culture, Abstract; Full Text
The inhibitory effects of anacardic acid on hepatitis C virus life cycle: J. Hundt, et al.; PLoS One 10, e0117514 (2015), Application(s): Cell Culture, Abstract; Full Text


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