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CleanCap Reagent AG (3'OMe), 100 umoles



CleanCap® Reagent AG (3' OMe) is TriLink’s proprietary co-transcriptional capping reagent for in vitro transcription of 5’ capped mRNA resulting in a Cap 1 structure. CleanCap has shown to provide up…


CleanCap® Reagent AG (3' OMe) 产品介绍:

CleanCap® Reagent AG (3' OMe) is TriLink’s proprietary co-transcriptional capping reagent for in vitro transcription of 5’ capped mRNA resulting in a Cap 1 structure. CleanCap has shown to provide up to 98% capping efficiency1.

CleanCap AG (3' OMe) includes the 5' N7-Methyl-3'-O-Methylguanosine commonly found in mRNA capped using ARCA, whereas CleanCap AG (N-7113) has a naturally occurring 5' N7-Methylguanosine structure.


Catalog NoN-7413

Purity≥95% by AX-HPLC

Extinction Coefficient30,539 Lmol-1cm-1 at 255 nm

Molecular FormulaC33H45N15O24P4 (free acid)

Molecular Weight1159.60

Salt FormNa+

Concentration100 mM


Recommended Storage-20°C or below

Other Name(s)CleanCap®Reagent AG (3' OMe) for co-transcriptional capping of mRNA, m7(3'OMeG)(5')ppp(5')(2'OMeA)pG

ApplicationCRISPR, In vitro Transcription, Recombinases, TALENS, Transposases, Vaccine Development, Zinc Finger Nucleases


Base Analog(s)Adenosine, Guanosine

Nucleotide CategoryCap analogs


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