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CleanCap EGFP mRNA (5moU), 1 mg



The EGFP mRNA will express an enhanced version of the green fluorescent protein, originally isolated from the jellyfish, Aequorea victoria. EGFP is a commonly used direct detection reporter in mammal…



The EGFP mRNA will express an enhanced version of the green fluorescent protein, originally isolated from the jellyfish, Aequorea victoria. EGFP is a commonly used direct detection reporter in mammalian cell culture, yielding bright green fluorescence with an emission peak at 509 nm.

This mRNA is capped using CleanCap, TriLink's proprietary co-transciptional capping method, which results in the naturally occuring Cap 1 structure with high capping efficiency. It is polyadenylated, modified with 5-methoxyuridine and optimized for mammalian systems. It mimics a fully processed mature mRNA.

Product Details

Catalog NoL-7201

PurityPasses Agarose Gel Mobility

Length996 nucleotides

Base CompositionFully substituted with 5-Methoxy-U

Concentration1.0 mg/mL

Buffer1 mM Sodium Citrate pH 6.4

Conversion Factor40 µg/OD260

Recommended StorageAt or below -40°C

ApplicationReporter Genes

CapAG Start, Cap 1, CleanCap

Other Name(s)CleanCap®Enhanced Green Fluorescent Protein mRNA (5-methoxyuridine)


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