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4-Thiouridine-5'-Triphosphate, 1 umole



4-Thiouridine is useful for UV photocrosslinking studies to identify sites of ribonucleoprotein-RNA interactions and to crosslink sites containing RNA secondary and tertiary structure. Incorporation …



4-Thiouridine is useful for UV photocrosslinking studies to identify sites of ribonucleoprotein-RNA interactions and to crosslink sites containing RNA secondary and tertiary structure. Incorporation of 4-Thiouridine allows for specific crosslinking at longer wavelengths, typically between 320 and 360 nm, which results in minimal RNA damage compared to standard shortwave UV light. 4-Thiouridine-5'-Triphosphate can also be incorporated into RNA to allow specific and efficient tagging of the modified base with sulfur-reactive methylthiosulfonate-activated labels. "The 4-Thio-UTP I had ordered from TriLink worked like a charm." Vaishnavi Rajagopal Post-doctoral Fellow Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine blank "We were impressed with the timing and the quality of the 4-Thio-UTP that we ordered. Obviously it is of utmost importance to our research that we are able to rely on companies such as TriLink to provide quality products when we require them." Christine Woltjen Research Associate Ohio State University

Product Details

Catalog NoN-1025

Purity≥90% by AX-HPLC

Extinction Coefficient16,526 Lmol-1cm-1 at 331 nm

Molecular FormulaC9H15N2O14P3S (free acid)

Molecular Weight500.20 g/mole (free acid)

Salt FormLi+

Concentration100 mM


Recommended Storage-20°C or below

Other Name(s)4-Thio-UTP, Thio UTP

ApplicationAptamers, Epigenetics/DNA Damage, In vitro Transcription, Mutagenesis, Photocrosslinking Studies


Base Analog(s)Uridine

Sugar Type(s)RNA

Nucleotide CategoryBase Modified RNA


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