
产品中心您现在的位置:首页 > 产品展示 > > 转染试剂 > 核酸转染增强试剂——NATE™




NATE™是InvivoGen设计的一种核酸转染增强剂,可以提高难转染细胞的瞬转与稳转效率,尤其适合人的单核细胞与小鼠巨噬细胞等难转染的细胞,如外周血单核细胞(THP-1)和小鼠单核巨噬细胞白血病细胞(RAW 264.7),且只需在平时加转染试剂操作前30min加入NATE™即可。值得注意的是,NATE对细胞温和,不会对细胞培养产生任何进一步的毒性。


InvivoGen 新品推荐:核酸转染增强试剂——NATE™


NATE™是InvivoGen设计的一种核酸转染增强剂可以提高难转染细胞的瞬转与稳转效率,尤其适合人的单核细胞与小鼠巨噬细胞等难转染的细胞,如外周血单核细胞(THP-1)和小鼠单核巨噬细胞白血病细胞(RAW 264.7),且只需在平时加转染试剂操作前30min加入NATE™即可。值得注意的是,NATE对细胞温和,不会对细胞培养产生任何进一步的毒性。



InvivoGen 新品推荐:核酸转染增强试剂——NATE™


● 与常用转染试剂 (e.g. GeneXPlus, Lipofectamine® LTX, and jetPRIME®) 及物理方法兼容。

● 更高的转染率,也适用于大质粒 (> 10kb)。

● 在所有的转染测试方案中都显示对细胞温和,没有毒性。


Product Name

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1 mL (100 reactions)



InvivoGen 新品推荐:核酸转染增强试剂——NATE™

Top - Transient transfection of an ~3 kb GFP-expressing plasmid into THP-1 cells was performed using GeneXPlus both in the absence (left) and presence (right) of NATE™. After 48 hours, the transfected cells expressing GFP were visualized by fluorescence microscopy. Bottom - Transient transfections of an ~3 kb GFP-expressing plasmid (left) and an 8 kb GFP-expressing plasmid (right) into THP-1 cells was performed using commonly used transfection methods such as GeneXPlus, Lipofectamine® LTX, jetPRIME®, and nucleofection. This was performed both in the presence (green) and absence (yellow) of NATE™. After 48 hours, transfection efficiency (% GFP-expressing cells) was measured using flow cytometry. Data are presented as a fold change compared to transfection without NATE™ 

InvivoGen 新品推荐:核酸转染增强试剂——NATE™

Top - Transient transfection of an ~3 kb GFP-expressing plasmid into RAW 264.7 cells was performed using Lipofectamine® LTX both in the absence (left) and presence (right) of NATE™. After 48 hours, the transfected cells expressing GFP were visualized by fluorescence microscopy. Bottom - Transient transfection of an ~3 kb GFP-expressing plasmid (left) and an 8 kb GFP-expressing plasmid (right) into RAW 264.7 cells was performed using commonly used transfection methods including Lipofectamine® LTX, jetPRIME®, FuGENE®, and nucleofection. This was performed both in the presence (green) and absence (yellow) of NATE™. After 48 hours, transfection efficiency (% GFP-expressing cells) was measured using flow cytometry. Data are presented as fold change compared to transfection without NATE™.

InvivoGen 新品推荐:核酸转染增强试剂——NATE™

Stable transfection of an ~10 kb SEAP?expressing plasmid into RAW 264.7 cells was performed using Lipofectamine® LTX both in the absence (left) and presence (right) of NATE™. After 10 days in selection with Blasticidin, the number of stable clones expressing SEAP (blue wells) was visualized using QUANTI?Blue™, a SEAP detection reagent.

详情请联系 invivogen 中国授权代理-欣博盛生物科技


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