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EpiCypher DNA纯化试剂盒



EpiCypher DNA纯化试剂盒采用专为低洗脱体积(低至6µL)设计的锥形净化柱,可回收>50bp的DNA片段,只需30分钟即可完成纯化流程,是各种CUT&RUN靶点,包括组蛋白PTM和转录因子的理想选择。


EpiCypher DNA纯化试剂盒



EpiCypher DNA纯化试剂盒

Figure 1: CUT&RUN DNA fragment size distribution analysis

500,000 K562 cells per sample were processed with the CUTANA™ ChIC/CUT&RUN Kit (EpiCypher 14-1048) following treatment with IgG negative control (EpiCypher 13-0042), H3K4me3 (EpiCypher 13-0041), H3K27me3 (EpiCypher 13-0030) and CTCF (EpiCypher 13-2014) antibodies. Isolated DNA was used to prepare paired-end Illumina® sequencing libraries, which were analyzed by Agilent TapeStation® , confirming enrichment of mononucleosomes (~300 bp peak represents ~170 bp excised DNA + sequencing adapters).


Cleavage Under Targets & Release Using Nuclease (CUT&RUN) utilizes an immunotethering approach to specifically release genomic fragments of interest into solution, enabling next-generation sequencing and genomic mapping with unprecedented sensitivity. High yield purification and concentration of partitioned chromatin DNA is an essential step - one that requires a workflow specifically compatible with low starting material. Utilizing tapered cleanup columns designed for low elution volumes (as low as 6 µL), this kit produces purified, concentrated DNA ready for library preparation and next-generation sequencing (Figure 1). The user-friendly workflow can be completed in just 30 minutes. The columns recover > 50 bp DNA fragments, making the DNA Purification Kit ideal for a variety of CUT&RUN targets, including histone PTMs and transcription factors.


CUTANA™ DNA Purification Kit14-0050
50 Preps



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