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  • InVivoMAb anti-mouse CD73
    InVivoMAb anti-mouse CD73

    The TY/23 monoclonal antibody reacts with mouse CD73 also known as ecto-5'-nucleotidase (5'-NT), a 69 kDa GPI-anchored cell-surface protein.

  • InVivoMab anti-mouse CD8 (Lyt 2.1)
    InVivoMab anti-mouse CD8 (Lyt 2.1)

    The 116-13.1 monoclonal antibody reacts with the Lyt 2.1 allele of mouse CD8. The CD8 antigen is a transmembrane glycoprotein that acts as a co-receptor for the T cell receptor (TCR). Like the TCR……

  • InVivoMab anti-mouse CD80 (B7-1)
    InVivoMab anti-mouse CD80 (B7-1)

    The 16-10A1 monoclonal antibody reacts with mouse CD80 also known as B7-1. CD80 is a 60 kDa Ig superfamily member and is expressed by activated B cells and constitutively by monocytes and ……

  • InVivoMab anti-mouse CD8α
    InVivoMab anti-mouse CD8α

    The 2.43 monoclonal antibody reacts with mouse CD8α. The CD8 antigen is a transmembrane glycoprotein that acts as a co-receptor for the T cell receptor (TCR).

  • InVivoMab anti-mouse CD8β (Lyt 3.2)
    InVivoMab anti-mouse CD8β (Lyt 3.2)

    The 53-5.8 monoclonal antibody reacts with mouse CD8β also known as Lyt 3.2. The CD8 antigen is a transmembrane glycoprotein that acts as a co-receptor for the T cell receptor (TCR). Like the TCR, CD8

  • InVivoMab anti-mouse CSF1R (CD115)
    InVivoMab anti-mouse CSF1R (CD115)

    The AFS98 monoclonal antibody reacts with mouse colony stimulating factor 1 receptor (CSF1R), also known as macrophage colony-stimulating factor receptor (M-CSFR), and CD115. CSF1R is a single-pass ty

  • InVivoMab anti-mouse CTLA-4 (CD152)
    InVivoMab anti-mouse CTLA-4 (CD152)

    The 9D9 monoclonal antibody reacts with mouse CTLA-4 (cytotoxic T lymphocyte antigen-4) also known as CD152. CTLA-4 is a 33 kDa cell surface receptor encoded by the Ctla4 gene that belongs to the CD28

  • InVivoMab anti-mouse F4/80
    InVivoMab anti-mouse F4/80

    The CI:A3-1 monoclonal antibody reacts with mouse F4/80 also known as EMR1. F4/80 is a 160 kDa membrane glycoprotein belonging to the EGF-TM7 family. F4/80 is expressed on most tissue macrophages incl

  • InVivoMAb anti-mouse FGL-1
    InVivoMAb anti-mouse FGL-1

    The 177R4 monoclonal antibody reacts with mouse Fibrinogen-like protein 1 (FGL-1). FGL-1 is a member of the fibrinogen family of proteins. Under normal physiological conditions, FGL-1 is primarily sec

  • InVivoMab anti-mouse GITR
    InVivoMab anti-mouse GITR

    The DTA-1 monoclonal antibody reacts with mouse GITR (glucocorticoid-induced TNFR-related gene), a 66-70 kDa co-stimulatory immune checkpoint molecule belonging to the Tumor Necrosis Factor superfamil

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