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  • PGE2 ELISA kit
    PGE2 ELISA kit

    PGE2 ELISA kit Highly sensitive PGE2 ELISA kit for inflammation and eicosanoid research.

  • Oxytocin ELISA kit
    Oxytocin ELISA kit

    Oxytocin ELISA kit The most sensitive, specific and flexible alternative to more costly and time-consuming methods for oxytocin detection.

  • PROTEOSTAT® Protein aggregation assay
    PROTEOSTAT® Protein aggregation assay

    PROTEOSTAT® Protein aggregation assay provides a simple, homogenous assay format for monitoring peptide and protein aggregation in solution. This is useful for defining optimal storage formulations …

  • Direct cAMP ELISA kit
    Direct cAMP ELISA kit

    Direct cAMP ELISA kit Most sensitive (0.006 pmol/ml) colorimetric kit for intracellular cAMP quantification.

  • PROTEOSTAT® Aggresome detection kit
    PROTEOSTAT® Aggresome detection kit

    PROTEOSTAT® Aggresome detection kit Robust, quantitative detection of aggresomes relevant to the study of neurodegenerative disease, liver disease and toxicology

  • CYTO-ID® Autophagy detection kit(1x0.5 µ
    CYTO-ID® Autophagy detection kit(1x0.5 µ

    CYTO-ID® Autophagy Detection Kit measures autophagic vacuoles and monitors autophagic flux in lysosomally inhibited live cells using a novel dye that selectively labels accumulated autophagic ……

  • CYTO-ID® Autophagy detection kit
    CYTO-ID® Autophagy detection kit

    CYTO-ID® Autophagy Detection Kit measures autophagic vacuoles and monitors autophagic flux in lysosomally inhibited live cells using a novel dye that selectively labels accumulated autophagic ……

  • Ubiquitinylation kit
    Ubiquitinylation kit

    For generation of ubiquitin-E2 thioesters for use in ubiquitinylation experiments. This kit provides the means of generating a range of thioester-linked ubiquitin conjugation enzymes (E2s)……

  • BIOMOL® Green
    BIOMOL® Green

    BIOMOL® Green provides a simple and convenient method for colorimetric phosphate quantitation (abs. 600-680 nm). Unlike other molybdate/malachite green-based assays, BIOMOL® Green doesn’t require ……

  • PGE2 high sensitivity ELISA kit
    PGE2 high sensitivity ELISA kit

    PGE2 high sensitivity ELISA kit Ultrasensitive PGE2 ELISA kit for inflammation and eicosanoid research.

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