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Fungin™ is used as a “routine addition“ to eukaryotic cell culture media to prevent fungal contaminations.

It can also be used to eliminate fungal contaminations.

This antimycotic compound kills ye…


Fungin™: Prevention and Elimination of Fungi

Fungin™ is used as a "routine addition" to eukaryotic cell culture media to prevent fungal contaminations.

It can also be used to eliminate fungal contaminations.

This antimycotic compound kills yeasts, molds and fungi by disrupting ionic exchange through the cell membrane.

Fungin™ is an excellent alternative to Amphotericin B, a polyene antifungal antibiotic. Unlike Amphotericin B, Fungin™ is a highly stable compound.

Fungin™ is cell culture tested, and may be added to media containing commonly used antibacterial agents.


Fungin™ by InvivoGen


Product concentration: 10 mg/ml.

Active concentration: from 10 μg/ml to 50 μg/ml.

Highly stable and water soluble compound.

Compatible with Pen-Strep solutions.

No toxicity on treated cells and no deleterious effects on cell metabolism.


Fungin™ is provided as a cell culture tested, sterile filtered light yellow solution at a concentration of 10 mg/ml.

This product is available in two pack sizes:

  • ant-fn-1 -  5 x 1.5 ml (75 mg)

  • ant-fn-2 - 1 x 20 ml ( 200 mg)


Fungin™ is shipped at room temperature and still active after 6 days at 37 °C

 Upon receipt it should be stored at 4°C or -20°C.


Fungin™ is used as a "routine addition" to eukaryotic cell culture media to prevent fungal (including yeast) contaminations in small or large-scale mammalian cell cultures. Fungin™ can also be used to eliminate fungal (including yeast) contaminations in eukaryotic cell cultures. It is effective against commonly found cell culture contaminants, such as Candida albicans and Aspergillus.
Fungin™ is an excellent alternative to Amphotericin B, a polyene antifungal antibiotic. Unlike Amphotericin B, Fungin™ is a highly stable compound and it does not need to be dissolved in toxic deoxycholate. Fungin™ provides maximum protection against fungal contamination with minimum cytotoxicity. Fungin™ is cell culture tested, and may be added to media containing commonly used antibacterial agents, such as penicillin and streptomycin (Pen-Strep). Its use has been cited in many publications.



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