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5’ triphosphate double-stranded RNA (5’ppp-dsRNA) is a synthetic ligand for the retinoic acid-inducible protein I (RIG-I, also known as Ddx58). RIG-I is a cytoplasmic RNA helicase that belongs to the…


RIG-I agonist

5’ triphosphate double-stranded RNA (5’ppp-dsRNA) is a synthetic ligand for the retinoic acid-inducible protein I (RIG-I, also known as Ddx58). RIG-I is a cytoplasmic RNA helicase that belongs to the RIG-I-like receptors (RLRs) family and triggers an antiviral immune response by the activation of type-I interferons (IFN-α and -β) [1]. RIG-I detects viral RNAs that exhibit an uncapped 5’-di/triphosphate end and a short blunt-ended double-strand portion, two essential features facilitating discrimination from self-RNAs [2-4].
To achieve stimulation of RIG-I, 5’ppp-dsRNA must be delivered into the cytoplasm, for example by using a transfection agent, such as LyoVec™.


Key features of 5'ppp-dsRNA:

  • 5'ppp-dsRNA is a specific RIG-I agonist.

  • Its biological activity has been verified using our RLR reporter cell lines.

  • For your convenience, pre-complexed 5'ppp-dsRNA/ LyoVec™ is also available.


1. Yoneyama M. & Fujita T. , 2007. Function of RIG-I-like Receptors in Antiviral Innate Immunity. J. Biol. Chem. 282:15315-8.
2. Schlee M. et al., 2009. Recognition of 5’ triphosphate by RIG-I helicase requires short blunt double-stranded RNA as contained in pandhandle of negative-strand virus. Immunity. 17;31(1):25-34.
3. Schmidt A. et al., 2009. 5’-triphosphate RNA requires base-paired structures to activate antiviral signaling via RIG-I. PNAS 106(29):12067-72.
4. Schlee M. & Hartmann G., 2010. The chase for the RIG-I ligand - recent advances. Mol Ther. 18(7):1254-62.



Specificity: RIG-I agonist

5’- pppGCAUGCGACCUCUGUUUGA -3’ (19 mer)
         3’- CGUACGCUGGAGACAAACU -5’ (19 mer)

Formulation: Naked or pre-complexed with LyoVec™

Working Concentrations:

  • 300 ng- 1 μg/ml for Naked 5'ppp-dsRNA

  • 1-10 µg/ml for pre-complexed 5'ppp-dsRNA/LyoVec™


  • 0.1 mg/ml in water for Naked 5'ppp-dsRNA

  • 50 µg/ml in water for pre-complexed 5'ppp-dsRNA/LyoVec™

Quality Control:

  • The biological activity has been verified using cellular assays.

  • The absence of bacterial contamination (lipoproteins and endotoxins) has been confirmed using HEK-Blue™ TLR2 and HEK-Blue™ TLR4 cells.


5’ppp-dsRNA Naked is available in two quantities:


  • 25 μg 5’ppp-dsRNA naked.

  • 2 ml sterile endotoxin-free water.


  • 4 x 25 μg 5’ppp-dsRNA naked.

  • 10 ml sterile endotoxin-free water.


5’ppp-dsRNA/LyoVec™ is available in two quantities:


  • 25 μg 5’ppp-dsRNA complexed with 50 µg of LyoVec™

  • 2 ml sterile endotoxin-free water


  • 4 x 25 μg 5’ppp-dsRNA complexed with 50 µg of LyoVec™

  • 10 ml sterile endotoxin-free water


 5’ppp-dsRNA and  5’ppp-dsRNA/LyoVec™ are provided lyophilized and shipped at room temperature.

 Store lyophilized 5’ppp-dsRNA and  5’ppp-dsRNA/LyoVec™ at -20°C.

 Lyophilized product is stable for 1 year when stored -20°C.



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