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Alhydrogel® adjuvant



产品名称:Alhydrogel® adjuvant 品牌: Invivogen 产品货号: vac-alu-250规格: 250 ml


Vaccine Adjuvant: Aluminium hydroxide gel

Alhydrogel® adjuvant 2%, referred to as alum, is an aluminum hydroxide wet gel suspension. Alum induces a Th2 response by improving the attraction and uptake of antigen by antigen-presenting cells (APCs). It can also activate innate immunity pathways triggered by pattern recognition receptors (PRRs).

In contrast to Adju-Phos®, Alhydrogel® particles have a net positive electrical charge at pH 5-7 and thus are well suited for adsorption of negatively charged antigens (e.g. antigens with isoelectric points below the pH of formulation).

Alhydrogel® adjuvant is sterilized by autoclavation and aseptically filled.


InvivoGen products are for research purposes only; they are not for use in humans.
Alhydrogel® is a trademark that belongs to Croda (formerly known as Brenntag Biosector A/S) and is registered in a large number of countries and regions worldwide.


Specificity: Th2 response

CAS number: 21645-51-2

Aluminium content: 9.0 – 11.0 mg/ml

Quality control:

  • Sterility tested

  • Pyrogenicity tested

Working concentration: 1:9 - 1:1 (Alhydrogel®:antigen). 
The adsorption capacity for a model protein such as diphtheroid toxoid, human growth hormone or ovalbuminin in Alhydrogel® adjuvant varies from 1 to 3 (mg/mg Al).


250 ml Alhydrogel adjuvant 2%, provided as a ready-to-use, sterile wet gel suspension

 Alhydrogel adjuvant 2% is shipped at room temperature.

 Alhydrogel adjuvant 2% should be stored at room temperature.



Alhydrogel adjuvant 2% is an aluminium hydroxide (referred to as alum) wet gel suspension. Alum acts primarily through the formation of a depot at the injection site, enabling enhanced antigen availability, activation of antigen presenting cells (APCs) and uptake by immune cells [1]. It can also activate innate immunity pathways triggered by pattern recognition receptors (PRRs). The NLR pathway has been recently described as an important mechanism in alum adjuvancy [2]. Alum has been shown to activate the NLRP3 inflammasome although its role in alum-induced antibody response is controversial [3].


1. Morefield GL. et al., 2005. Role of aluminum-containing adjuvants in antigen internalization by dendritic cells in vitro. Vaccine 23(13): 1588-95.
2. Li H.  et al., 2008. Cutting edge: Inflammasome activation by alum and alum's adjuvant effect are mediated by NLRP3. J Immunol. 181(1):17-21.
3. Franchi L. & Nu?ez G., 2008. The Nlrp3 inflammasome is critical for aluminium hydroxide-mediated IL-1beta secretion but dispensable for adjuvant activity. Eur. J. Immunol. 38(8):2085-9



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