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AddaVax™ is a squalene-based oil-in-water nano-emulsion with a formulation similar to that of MF59® that has been licensed in Europe for adjuvanted flu vaccines [1]. Squalene is an oil more readily m…


Vaccine Adjuvant: Squalene-Oil-in-water

AddaVax™ is a squalene-based oil-in-water nano-emulsion with a formulation similar to that of MF59® that has been licensed in Europe for adjuvanted flu vaccines [1]. Squalene is an oil more readily metabolized than the paraffin oil used in Freund’s adjuvants [1]. Squalene oil-in-water emulsions, such as MF59®, elicit both cellular (Th1) and humoral (Th2) immune responses [2, 3].

This class of adjuvants is believed to act through recruitment and activation of APC and stimulation of cytokines and chemokines production by macrophages and granulocytes [1].

AddaVax™ is VacciGrade™ (preclinical grade) for research use only, not for use in humans.
MF59® is a registered trademark of Novartis, and is used for comparative purposes only. AddaVax™ is not made by, affiliated with, sponsored by or endorsed by Novartis. Novartis has not evaluated or approved the representations contained herein.



1. Ott G. et al., 2000. The adjuvant MF59: a 10-year perspective. Methods in Molecular Medicine, Vol 42, 211-228.
2. Calabro, S. et al., 2013. The adjuvant effect of MF59 is due to the oil-in-water emulsion formulation, none of the individual components induce a comparable adjuvant effect. Vaccine 31:3363–9.
3. Ott G. et al., 1995. MF59. Design and evaluation of a safe and potent adjuvant for human vaccines. Pharm Biotechnol 6: 277-96.


Specificity: Th1/Th2 response.

Working concentration: 1:1 (AddaVax™:antigen).

Quality control:

  • Sterility guaranteed.

  • Endotoxin level < 1 EU/ml.

  • Particle size ~ 160 nm.


  • 10 ml AddaVax™, provided as a ready-to-use sterile emulsion.

 AddaVax™ is shipped at room temperature.

 Upon a receip it shouldbe stored at 4°C.

 AddaVax™ is stable for 2 years.




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