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VECTASHIELD® Antifade Mounting Medium, 10 ml



VECTASHIELD Antifade Mounting Medium is a unique, stable formula for preserving fluorescence. VECTASHIELD® Mounting Medium prevents rapid photobleaching of fluorescent proteins and fluorescent dyes.


产品名称:VECTASHIELD® Antifade Mounting Medium, 10 ml

品牌: Vectorlabs

产品货号: H-1000-10

规格: 10 ml


产品描述:VECTASHIELD Antifade Mounting Medium is a unique, stable formula for preserving fluorescence. VECTASHIELD® Mounting Medium prevents rapid photobleaching of fluorescent proteins and fluorescent dyes.Features: Inhibits photobleaching of dyes and fluorescent proteins Ideal refractive index Ready to use Offered with nuclear or cytoskeletal counterstains Available in non-hardening or hardening formulations No warming necessary Can be stored without sealing for long term analysis Easy to useThe original VECTASHIELD® Mounting Medium does not solidify, but remains a liquid on the slide and can be stored without sealing. If desired, coverslips can be sealed around the perimeter with nail polish or a plastic sealant. Mounted slides should be stored at 4 °C, protected from light.

实验应用:Immunofluorescence,In situ hybridization,Cellular Imaging,Super-Resolution Microscopy


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