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ImmPACT® DAB Substrate, Peroxidase (HRP), 120



ImmPACT DAB Peroxidase Substrate is 2-4 fold greater sensitivity than original substrate kitOptimized for IHC/ICC/ISH and blotsHeat StablePermanent mountingIdeal for single and multiple labelingWorki…


产品名称:ImmPACT® DAB Substrate, Peroxidase (HRP), 120 ml

别名:ImmPACT DAB底物

产品描述:ImmPACT DAB Peroxidase Substrate is 2-4 fold greater sensitivity than original substrate kitOptimized for IHC/ICC/ISH and blotsHeat StablePermanent mountingIdeal for single and multiple labelingWorking solutions stable for up to 14 days at 4 °COne year expiry dateSupplied as 120 ml of diluent and concentrated DAB stock solution DAB (3, 3 -diaminobenzidine) HRP substrate produces a dark brown reaction product and can be used for both immunohistochemical and blotting applications. DAB chromogen is effective as a single label or as a second color for multiple antigen labeling. Because of its heat-resistance, DAB can be used in IHC/ ISH double labeling applications. With the aid of imaging systems and software, the spectral profile of DAB can be distinguished from our other proprietary enzyme substrates in applications where antigens are co-localized. Sections stained with DAB can also be viewed by darkfield and electron microscopy. Slides developed with DAB can be dehydrated, cleared, and permanently mounted. The DAB reaction product can be intensified with DAB Enhancing Solution (H-2200).This product is an entirely new formula for a diaminobenzidine based peroxidase substrate. ImmPACT™ DAB produces a dark brown reaction product that is crisper and is 3-4 times more sensitive than the original Vector DAB substrate kit. It can be used for both manual and automated staining methods. The ImmPACT™ DAB working solution is stable for at least five days at room temperature and at least two weeks when stored at 4° C. This product consists of 120 ml of diluent and a convenient concentrated stock solution of highly purified DAB. This product can also be used on blots.

实验应用:Immunohistochemistry / Immunocytochemistry,In situ hybridization,Blotting Applications,Elispot




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