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  • Ganglioside GQ1b . tetrasodium salt (bovine brain)
    Ganglioside GQ1b . tetrasodium salt (bovine brain)

    Ganglioside GQ1b . tetrasodium salt (bovine brain) Specifically promotes neural differentiation of human neuroblastoma cells.

  • Aconitine

    A lipid-soluble neurotoxin that acts as a sodium channel modulator. Binds with high affinity to the open state of the voltage-sensitive sodium channels at site 2, thereby causing a persistent ……

  • Y-27632 . dihydrochlorideALX-270-333-M005
    Y-27632 . dihydrochlorideALX-270-333-M005

    Y-27632 is a highly potent, cell permeable, selective and ATP competitive inhibitor of ROCK1 and ROCK2 (IC50=800nM). It acts as a potent inhibitor of agonist-induced Ca2+sensitization of myosin ……

  • Sphingosine-1-phosphate, D-erythro
    Sphingosine-1-phosphate, D-erythro

    Sphingosine-1-phosphate (1-SPP) is a putative second messenger that mobilizes calcium from intracellular stores via an IP3 independent pathway, activation of phospholipase D and stimulation of ……

  • G418 . sulfate
    G418 . sulfate

    Gentamycin-class aminoglycoside antibiotic. Cytotoxic to prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Induces apoptosis. Widely employed in the selection of eukaryotic expression vectors, in combination with ……

  • Ganglioside GM1 . sodium salt (bovine brain)
    Ganglioside GM1 . sodium salt (bovine brain)

    Ganglioside GM1 . sodium salt (bovine brain) 品牌: ENZO 产品货号: ALX-302-001-M010 规格: 1*10mg

  • Y-27632 . dihydrochloride
    Y-27632 . dihydrochloride

    Y-27632 is a highly potent, cell permeable, selective and ATP competitive inhibitor of ROCK1 and ROCK2 (IC50=800nM). It acts as a potent inhibitor of agonist-induced Ca2+sensitization of myosin ……

  • Antimycin A
    Antimycin A

    Antibiotic. Induces apoptosis, which is not prevented by the presence of Bcl-2. Inhibits mitochondrial electron transport specifically between cytochromes b and c1.

  • Disialoganglioside GD2
    Disialoganglioside GD2

    Disialoganglioside GD2 品牌: ENZO 产品货号: ENZ-CHM256-0500 规格: 1*500µg及其他多种规格可选

  • Ganglioside GT1b . trisodium salt (bovine brain)
    Ganglioside GT1b . trisodium salt (bovine brain)

    Ganglioside GT1b . trisodium salt (bovine brain), Prevents neurotoxicity of glutamate on neuronal cells.

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