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  • Normocure™

    Broad-spectrum Antibacterial Agent for the Treatment of Contaminated Cell Cultures Normocure™ is a broad-spectrum antibacterial agent highly effective against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria.

  • Plasmocin™ prophylactic
    Plasmocin™ prophylactic

    Plasmocin® is a broad-spectrum mycoplasma and related cell wall-less bacteria removal reagent. It is effective against all common mycoplasma strains, both extracellular and intracellular.

  • Plasmocin™ treatment
    Plasmocin™ treatment

    Plasmocin® is a broad-spectrum mycoplasma and related cell wall-less bacteria removal reagent. It is effective against all common mycoplasma strains, both extracellular and intracellular.

  • Plasmocure™

    Plasmocure™ is a second-line anti-mycoplasma reagent. It is recommended for the elimination of mycoplasma that appear to be Plasmocin™ -resistant [1].Plasmocure™ combines two antibiotics that act ……

  • Primocin™

    Primocin® is designed to offer complete protection of primary cells from microbial contamination. Primocin® is a broad-spectrum antibiotic formulation that is gentle on your cells but lethal to the ……

  • Puromycin (solution)
    Puromycin (solution)

    Puromycin is an aminonucleoside antibiotic produced by Streptomyces alboniger. It specifically inhibits peptidyl transfer on both prokaryotic and eukaryotic ribosomes. This antibiotic inhibits the ……

  • QUANTI-Blue™ Solution
    QUANTI-Blue™ Solution

    QUANTI-Blue™ Solution is a colorimetric enzyme assay developed to determine any alkaline phosphatase (AP) activity in a biological sample, such as cell culture supernatant. It has been optimized for …

  • QUANTI-Luc™

    QUANTI-Luc™ is a lyophilized assay reagent containing all the components required to quantitatively measure the activity of Lucia luciferase and other coelenterazine-utilizing luciferases.

  • QUANTI-Luc™ Gold
    QUANTI-Luc™ Gold

    Coelenterazine-based luminescence detection kit for standard and HTS assays QUANTI-Luc™ Gold is an optimized kit for the detection of Lucia luciferase and other coelenterazine-utilizing luciferases ……

  • Zeocin™ (powder)
    Zeocin™ (powder)

    Zeocin是Phleomycin D1的商业名称,是从轮枝链霉菌Streptomyces CL990分离得到的一种铜螯合的糖肽抗生素,Zeocin通过嵌入DNA使其断裂而导致细胞死亡。Zeocin在细菌、真核微生物、植物细胞和哺乳动物细胞上均能发挥活性,用于筛选携带Sh ble基因的转染细胞。

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