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QUANTI-Luc™ Gold



Coelenterazine-based luminescence detection kit for standard and HTS assays
QUANTI-Luc™ Gold is an optimized kit for the detection of Lucia luciferase and other coelenterazine-utilizing luciferases ……


Coelenterazine-based luminescence detection kit for standard and HTS assays

QUANTI-Luc™ Gold is an optimized kit for the detection of Lucia luciferase and other coelenterazine-utilizing luciferases (e.g. Gaussia and Renilla luciferases).

The light signal produced by the luciferase reaction with the coelenterazine substrate is quantified using a luminometer and expressed as relative light units (RLU).


This two-component kit comprises:

  • QUANTI-Luc™ Plus, a coelenterazine-containing reagent

  • QLC Stabilizer

This kit provides the user with two options for luciferase activity measurement:

  • QUANTI-Luc™ Gold (QUANTI-Luc™ Plus with QLC Stabilizer) allows enhanced light signal stability. This option is ideal for high-throughput screening (HTS), time-course studies, or when using a luminometer without injectors.

  • QUANTI-Luc™ Plus alone (without QLC Stabilizer) allows enhanced light output detection (as compared to QUANTI-Luc™). This option is ideal for monitoring the cellular response to weak agonists.


Flexible: Two options: enhanced light signal stability or enhanced light output

Cost effective: One pouch prepares 5 x 96-well plates or 2 x 1536-well plates

Practical: Reconstituted QUANTI-Luc™ Gold is stable for 1 week at 4°C or 1 month at -20°C

Exceptional sensitivity and reproducibility

Quality control: Each lot is thoroughly tested in functional assays using the recombinant Lucia protein or Lucia reporter cells.


QUANTI-Luc™ Gold is available in four pack sizes:

  • rep-qlcg1: 1 pouch of QUANTI-Luc™ Plus and 1 tube of QLC Stabilizer

  • rep-qlcg2: 2 pouches of QUANTI-Luc™ Plus and 2 tubes of QLC Stabilizer

  • rep-qlcg 5: 5 pouches of QUANTI-Luc™ Plus and 5 tubes of QLC Stabilizer

One pouch of QUANTI-Luc™ Plus provides sufficient reagent for 5 x 96-well plates (standard procedure) or 2 x 1536-well plates (HTS procedure).

  • rep-qlcg500: 1 pouch of QUANTI-Luc™ Plus and 1 bottle of QLC Stabilizer

QUANTI-Luc™ Plus (rep-qlcg500) provides sufficient reagent for 100 x 96-well plates (standard procedure) or 40 x 1536-well plates (HTS procedure).

 QUANTI-Luc™ Plus and QLC Stabilizer are shipped at room temperature.

 Upon receipt, store QUANTI-Luc™ Plus at -20°C, and QLC Stabilizer at room temperature (15-25°C).

Note: This product is photosensitive and should be protected from light.



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