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Plasmocure™ is a second-line anti-mycoplasma reagent. It is recommended for the elimination of mycoplasma that appear to be Plasmocin™ -resistant [1].Plasmocure™ combines two antibiotics that act ……


Alternative mycoplasma removal reagent for cell cultures

Plasmocure™ is a second-line anti-mycoplasma reagent. It is recommended for the elimination of mycoplasma that appear to be Plasmocin™ -resistant [1].

Plasmocure™ combines two antibiotics that act through different mechanisms than those found in Plasmocin™:

– the first antibiotic binds to the 50S subunit of the ribosome and blocks peptidyltransferase activity

– the second antibiotic binds to isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase and halts isoleucine incorporation into mycoplasma proteins.

A two-week treatment with Plasmocure™ is usually sufficient to completely eliminate mycoplasma. If mycoplasma elimination is not completed after two weeks, Plasmocure™ can be administered for an additional week. A moderate slowdown of cell growth may be observed, but full recovery of the cell line is expected once mycoplasma are eliminated.

One 1 ml vial is sufficient to treat 1 to 3.3 liters of culture.

Important: InvivoGen's anti-mycoplasma products are suitable for research purposes only, and not for human or animal care.


Product concentration: 100 mg/ml

Elimination of mycoplasmas in two weeks (recommended concentration of 50 μg/ml)

Endotoxin level: < 0.5 EU/mg

Physicochemical characterization: pH and appearance

Cell culture tested: potency validated on bacterial reference strains


Plasmocure™ is provided as a cell culture tested, sterile filtered solution at a concentration of 100 mg/ml.

 Plasmocure™ is shipped a t room temperature

 Upon receipt it can be stored at 4°C for 12 months or at -20°C for long-term storage.



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下一篇:Plasmocin™ treatment

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