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InVivoMab anti-human CD8α



The OKT-8 monoclonal antibody reacts with human CD8α. The CD8 antigen is a transmembrane glycoprotein that acts as a co-receptor for the T cell receptor (TCR).


The OKT-8 monoclonal antibody reacts with human CD8α. The CD8 antigen is a transmembrane glycoprotein that acts as a co-receptor for the T cell receptor (TCR). Like the TCR, CD8 binds to class I MHC molecules displayed by antigen presenting cells (APC). CD8 is primarily expressed on the surface of cytotoxic T cells, but can also be found on thymocytes, natural killer cells, and some dendritic cell subsets. CD8 most commonly exists as a heterodimer composed of one CD8α and one CD8β chain however, it can also exist as a homodimer composed of two CD8α chains. Both the CD8α and CD8β chains share significant homology to immunoglobulin variable light chains. The molecular weight of each CD8 chain is approximately 34 kDa. The OKT-8 antibody does not block the binding of the anti-human CD8α antibodies RPA-T8 and HIT8a.

产品名称:InVivoMab anti-human CD8α



实验应用:in vivo CD8+ T cell depletion in humanized mice


免疫原:Human CD8α



产品浓度:Lot specific,typically between 4-11 mg/ml

保存温度:Undiluted at 4°C in the dark

运输温度:Ship with adequate amount of blue ice to ensure the product remains at 4°C for the duration of transit

预期分子量:150 kDa


有效期:One year from the date of receipt if stored as recommended




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