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InVivoMab anti-human CD4



The RPA-T4 monoclonal antibody reacts with the human CD4. The CD4 antigen is a 55 kDa cell surface type I membrane glycoprotein belonging to the immunoglobulin superfamily. CD4 acts as a co-receptor……


The RPA-T4 monoclonal antibody reacts with the human CD4. The CD4 antigen is a 55 kDa cell surface type I membrane glycoprotein belonging to the immunoglobulin superfamily. CD4 acts as a co-receptor which in cooperation with the T cell receptor (TCR) interacts with class II MHC molecules displayed by antigen presenting cells (APC). CD4 is expressed by most thymocytes and helper T cells, a subset of NK-T cells and weakly by dendritic cells and macrophages. CD4 plays an important role in the development of T cells and is required for mature T cells to function optimally. The RPA-T4 antibody is reported to bind to the D1 domain of CD4 and does not block the binding of the OKT-4 antibody. Additionally, RPA-T4 has been shown to block the binding of HIV gp120 protein to CD4 and inhibit CD4 T cell activation in vitro.

产品名称:InVivoMab anti-human CD4



实验应用:in vitro CD4 blockade, in vitro blocking of CD4+ T cell activation, Immunofluorescence, Immunohistochemistry (frozen), Flow cytometry

同种型:IgG1, κ



产品浓度:Lot specific,typically between 4-11 mg/ml

保存温度:Undiluted at 4°C in the dark

运输温度:Ship with adequate amount of blue ice to ensure the product remains at 4°C for the duration of transit

预期分子量:150 kDa


有效期:One year from the date of receipt if stored as recommended




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