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ODN 1826



ODN 1826 is a class B CpG ODN specific for murine TLR9.CpG-B ODNs contain a full phosphorothioate backbone with one or more CpG dinucleotides.They strongly activate B cells but weakly stimulate ……


Class B CpG oligonucleotide - Murine TLR9 agonist

ODN 1826 is a class B CpG ODN specific for murine TLR9.

CpG-B ODNs contain a full phosphorothioate backbone with one or more CpG dinucleotides.

They strongly activate B cells but weakly stimulate IFN-α secretion in plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDCs).

CpG oligonucleotides (ODNs) are synthetic ODNs that contain unmethylated CpG dinucleotides in particular sequence contexts (CpG motifs).

A 20-fold higher frequency of these CpG motifs is found in bacterial DNA compared to mammalian DNA.

CpG ODNs activate Toll-like receptor 9 (TLR9), leading to strong immunostimulatory effects.


Specificity: Murine TLR9 agonist

Working concentration: 1-5 µM

Solubility: 5 mg/ml in water

ODN 1826 sequence
5’-tccatgacgttcctgacgtt-3’ (20 mer)
Note:  This ODN contains a full phosphorothioate backbone and is nuclease resistant.

Quality control
- TLR9 activity has been tested using HEK-Blue™ TLR9 cells.
- The absence of bacterial contamination (e.g. lipoproteins and endotoxins) has been confirmed using HEK-Blue™ TLR2 and HEK-Blue™ TLR4 cells.


ODN 1826 is provided lyophilized and is available in three quantities:

tlrl-1826 (formerly tlrl-modn):

  • 200 μg (31.42 nmol) lyophilized ODN 1826

  • 1.5 ml sterile endotoxin-free water

tlrl-1826-1 (formerly tlrl-modn-1):

  • 1 mg (157.1 nmol) lyophilized ODN 1826

  • 1.5 ml sterile endotoxin-free water

tlrl-1826-5 (formerly tlrl-modn-5):

  • 5 mg (785.5 nmol) lyophilized ODN 1826

  • 10 ml sterile endotoxin-free water


 ODN 1826 is shipped at room temperature.

 Upon receipt it should be stored at -20?°C.


CpG ODNs are synthetic oligonucleotides that contain unmethylated CpG dinucleotides in particular sequence contexts (CpG motifs) [1]. These CpG motifs are present at a 20-fold greater frequency in bacterial DNA compared to mammalian DNA. CpG ODNs are recognized by Toll-like receptor 9 (TLR9) leading to strong immunostimulatory effects [2].

Three classes (A, B and C) of stimulatory CpG ODNs have been identified which differ in their immune-stimulatory activities [3-4].
Class A CpG ODNs are characterized by a phosphodiester central CpG-containing palindromic motif and a phosphorothioate 3’ poly-G stretch. They induce high IFN-α production from plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDCs) but are weak stimulators of TLR9-dependent NF-κB signaling.
Class B CpG ODNs contain a full phosphorothioate backbone with one or more CpG dinucleotides. They strongly activate B cells but stimulate weakly IFN-α secretion.
Class C CpG ODNs combine features of both types A and B. They contain a complete phosphorothioate backbone and a CpG-containing palindromic motif. Class C CpG ODNs induce strong IFN-a production from pDCs as well as B cell stimulation.

ODN 1826 is a Class B CpG ODN specific for murine TLR9 [5].


1. Krieg, A.M. et al., 1995. CpG motifs in bacterial DNA trigger direct B-cell activation. Nature, 374(6522):546-9.
2. Bauer, S. et al., 2001. Human TLR9 confers responsiveness to bacterial DNA via species-specific CpG motif recognition. PNAS. 98(16):9237-42.
3. Krug A. et al., 2001. Identification of CpG oligonucleotide sequences with high induction of IFN- alpha/beta in plasmacytoid dendritic cells. Eur J Immunol, 31(7): 2154-63.
4. Marshall JD. et al., 2005. Superior activity of the type C class of ISS in vitro and in vivo across multiple species. DNA Cell Biol. 24(2):63-72.
5. Ballas ZK. et al., 2001. Divergent therapeutic and immunologic effects of oligodeoxynucleotides with distinct CpG motifs. J Immunol. 167(9):4878-86.



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