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LPS is the principal component of Gram-negative bacteria that activates the innate immune system through its recognition by Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4). This leads to a signaling cascade that ultimat…


Lipopolysaccharide from Escherichia coli 0111:B4

LPS is the principal component of Gram-negative bacteria that activates the innate immune system through its recognition by Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4). This leads to a signaling cascade that ultimately results in the activation of NF-κB and the production of proinflammatory cytokines [1]. LPS-EB is a preparation of smooth (S)-form LPS purified from the Gram-negative E. coli 0111:B4, a pathogenic serotype of E. coli known to cause significant gastric disease [2,3].


InvivoGen provides LPS-EB with two grades of purity:

  • LPS-EB is a standard lipopolysaccharide (LPS) preparation extracted by a phenol-water mixture. LPS-EB contains other bacterial components, such as lipoproteins, and therefore stimulates both TLR4 and TLR2.

  • LPS-EB Ultrapure is extracted by successive enzymatic hydrolysis steps and purified by the previously described phenol-TEA-DOC extraction protocol [4]. This process removes contaminating lipoproteins, and therefore LPS-EB Ultrapure only activates TLR4. 



1. Kuzmich, N.N. et al., 2017. TLR4 Signaling Pathway Modulators as Potential Therapeutics in Inflammation and Sepsis. Vaccines (Basel) 5unol. 165(2):618-22.
2. Coleman, W.G., Jr. et al., 1977. Genetic analysis of Escherichia coli O111:B4, a strain of medical and biochemical interest. J Bacteriol 130, 656-660.
3. Viljanen, M.K. et al., 1990. Outbreak of diarrhea due to Escherichia coli O111:B4 in schoolchildren and adults: association of Vi antigen-like reactivity. Lancet 336, 831-834.
4. Hirschfeld M. et al., 2000. Cutting edge: repurification of lipopolysaccharide eliminates signaling through both human and murine toll-like receptor 2. J Immunol. 165(2):618-22.




Specificity: TLR4 and TLR2 agonist.

Solubility: 5 mg/ml in water.

Working concentration: 10 ng - 10 µg/ml.

LPS-EB Ultrapure

Specificity: TLR4 agonist.

Solubility: 5  x 10e6 EU/ml in water.

Working concentration: 10e1 - 10e4 EU/ml.



  • 5 mg lipopolysaccharide from E. coli 0111:B4 (LPS-EB ).

  • 1.5 ml endotoxin-free water.

LPS-EB Ultrapure

  • 5 x 106 EU  ultrapure lipopolysaccharide from E. coli 0111:B4 (LPS-EB Ultrapure).

  • 1.5 ml endotoxin-free water.


 Products are shipped at room temperature.

 Upon receipt product should be stored at -20°C.

 Lyophilized product is stable 1 year at -20°C.

Resuspended product is stable 1 month at 4°C and 6 months at -20°C.



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