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Ionomycin is a membrane permeable calcium ionophore produced by the bacterium Streptomyces conglobatus.This ionophore facilitates the transfer of calcium ions (Ca2+) into and out of cells [1]. Iono……


Calcium ionophore - NFAT Activator

Ionomycin is a membrane permeable calcium ionophore produced by the bacterium Streptomyces conglobatus.

This ionophore facilitates the transfer of calcium ions (Ca2+) into and out of cells [1]. Ionomycin can be used to increase intracellular calcium levels triggering cell death through apoptosis and autophagy [1].

Ionomycin is commonly used in conjunction with phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) to activate T cells [2]. This combination of PMA and ionomycin activates the transcription factors NF-κB and NFAT leading to the production of the cytokines, such as IL-2 [3, 4].



1. Pinton P. et al., 2008. Calcium and apoptosis: ER-mitochondria Ca2+ transfer in the control of apoptosis. Oncogene. 27(50):6407-18.
2. R?th D. et al., 2014. Dynamin related protein 1-dependent mitochondrial fission regulates oxidative signalling in T cells. FEBS Lett. 588(9):1749-54.
3. Wang S. et al., 2013. An enhancer element harboring variants associated with systemic lupus erythematosus engages the TNFAIP3 promoter to influence A20 expression. PLoS Genet. 9(9):e1003750.
4. Ai W. et al., 2013. Optimal method to stimulate cytokine production and its use in immunotoxicity assessment. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 10(9):3834-42.


Description: NFAT activator

CAS number: 56092-82-1

Formula: C41H70O9 .Ca2+

Molecular weight: 747.07

Purity: > 97% by UHPLC

Solubility: 10 mg/ml (13.38 mM) in DMSO

Quality control:

  • The biological activity has been determined by assessing NFAT activation in Jurkat-Lucia™ NFAT cells.

  • The absence of endotoxins and other bacterial contaminants has been confirmed using HEK-Blue™ TLR4 and HEK-Blue™ TLR2 cells.


  • inh-ion: 1 mg ionomycin calcium salt

room temperature Product is shipped at room temperature

store Stored at -20°C.



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