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  • 2’3’-c-di-AM(PS)2 (Rp,Rp)
    2’3’-c-di-AM(PS)2 (Rp,Rp)

    2’3’-c-di-AM(PS)2 (Rp,Rp) is the Rp,Rp-isomer of the 2’3’ bisphosphorothioate analog of 3’3’-cyclic adenosine monophosphate (c-di-AMP). c-di-AMP is second messenger molecule produced by bacteria wi…

  • 2’3’-cGAMP

    2’3’-cGAMP (cyclic [G(2’,5’)pA(3’,5’)p]) is produced in mammalian cells by cGAS (cGAMP synthase) in response to double-stranded DNA in the cytoplasm.2’3’-cGAMP is also referred to as “noncanonical“……

  • 5'ppp-dsRNA

    5’ triphosphate double-stranded RNA (5’ppp-dsRNA) is a synthetic ligand for the retinoic acid-inducible protein I (RIG-I, also known as Ddx58). RIG-I is a cytoplasmic RNA helicase that belongs to the…

  • Anti-mPD-1-mIgG1e3 InvivoFit™
    Anti-mPD-1-mIgG1e3 InvivoFit™

    Anti-mPD-1-mIgG1e3 InvivoFit™ is a recombinant monoclonal antibody (mAb) featuring the variable region of the previously described anti-mPD-1 RMP1-14 mAb [1, 2]. The original RMP1-14 hybridoma was ob…

  • ATP

    Adenosine triphosphate (ATP), a potassium efflux agent, can trigger the activation of NLRP3 inflammasome in response to PAMPs, such as LPS and peptidoglycan.It stimulates the caspase-1-dependent cle……

  • Beta-glucan peptide
    Beta-glucan peptide

    Beta-glucan peptide (BGP) is a high molecular weight (~100 kDa) polysaccharide extracted from the fungus Trametes versicolor. BGP consists of a highly ramified glucan portion, comprising a beta 1-4…

  • c-di-GMP

    Bis-(3'-5')-cyclic dimeric guanosine monophosphate (c-di-GMP) is a second messenger produced in bacteria but not in mammals. This cyclic dinucleotide is involved in complex biological processes, such…

  • E. coli OMVs
    E. coli OMVs

    E. coli outer membrane vesicles (OMVs) - Caspase 11-4/5 inducers Outer membrane vesicles (OMVs) are small, spherical bodies secreted by Gram-negative bacteria, recently described as potent caspase ……

  • FLA-ST Ultrapure
    FLA-ST Ultrapure

    FLA-ST is flagellin isolated from the Gram-negative bacteria Salmonella typhimurium. InvivoGen provides FLA-ST with two grades of purity: FLA-ST was purified by acid hydrolysis, heating and ultrafi…

  • Fungin™

    Fungin™ is used as a “routine addition“ to eukaryotic cell culture media to prevent fungal contaminations. It can also be used to eliminate fungal contaminations. This antimycotic compound kills ye…

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HAST高压加速寿命老化试验箱| 工程塑料| X| 螺杆式空压机| 国产分光光度计厂家| 拉力测试仪| AO一体化污水处理设备| 焊缝检测盒| VOCs气体稀释装置| 五克隆合剂| HEDSS| 发泡灌封胶| 意大利哈纳仪器仪表| 数字式基坑测斜仪| 电动硬密封法兰蝶阀| 实验室行业工程| 超声波手持式气象仪| 德国FST弹簧剪| 防泄漏透明双层软连接| 色谱数据工作站| FIB专用探针| 工业洗衣机| 停车库安装拆除| 气动扭力扳手| 食品拍打式无菌均质| 密封性测试仪| 洗涤机械| 张力机租赁| 测氡仪| 西门子电磁流量传感器| 不锈钢水箱厂家| 潜水员水下打捞作业施工| 景区负氧离子检测设备| 全自动自清洗过滤器| MT2系列振动速度传感器| 高低温试验室| 西门子电动执行器| 中水回用| 橡胶促进剂造粒机| 多功能校准仪| 剪断销信号器装置|