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  • Imiquimod (R837)
    Imiquimod (R837)

    Imiquimod (R837), an imidazoquinoline amine analog to guanosine, is an immune response modifier with potent indirect antiviral activity.The antiviral activity of imiquimod was first shown in guinea ……

  • Ionomycin

    Ionomycin is a membrane permeable calcium ionophore produced by the bacterium Streptomyces conglobatus.This ionophore facilitates the transfer of calcium ions (Ca2+) into and out of cells [1]. Iono……

  • ISD Naked
    ISD Naked

    ISD (interferon stimulatory DNA) is a 45-bp non-CpG oligomer from the Listeria monocytogenes genome.When transfected into various cell types, including plasmacytoid and conventional DCs, macrophages……

  • ISD/LyoVec™

    CDS Ligand ISD (interferon stimulatory DNA) is a 45-bp non-CpG oligomer from the Listeria monocytogenes genome. When transfected into various cell types, including plasmacytoid and conventional DCs……

  • LPS-B5 (Standard)
    LPS-B5 (Standard)

    LPS is the principal component of Gram-negative bacteria that activates the innate immune system. LPS recognition is predominantly mediated by Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) and ultimately leads to the …

  • LPS-B5 Ultrapure
    LPS-B5 Ultrapure

    Lipopolysaccharide from Escherichia coli 055:B5 LPS is the principal component of Gram-negative bacteria that activates the innate immune system. LPS recognition is predominantly mediated by Toll-lik…

  • LPS-EB

    LPS is the principal component of Gram-negative bacteria that activates the innate immune system through its recognition by Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4). This leads to a signaling cascade that ultimat…

  • LPS-EB Ultrapure
    LPS-EB Ultrapure

    LPS is the principal component of Gram-negative bacteria that activates the innate immune system through its recognition by Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4). This leads to a signaling cascade that ultimat…

  • LPS-EK

    LPS is the principal component of Gram-negative bacteria that activates the innate immune system. LPS recognition is predominantly mediated by Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4), ultimately leading to the ……

  • LPS-PG (Standard)
    LPS-PG (Standard)

    LPS-PG is a purified preparation of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) from the Gram-negative bacteria Porphyromonas gingivalis. LPS-PG is an important virulence factor in the mechanisms of peridontal disease.…

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囊式蓄能器| 电磁式加药泵| 鹰吻微创筋膜闭合器| DEUBLIN杜布林| ND钢焊管| 程序降温仪补液罐| 淋雨试验箱| UL认证变压器| 高平台硬密封球阀| 垂直水平电磁式振动试验机| PVMQ低温橡胶| 阴极发光显微| 工地外架脚踏网| 智慧配电站房| 微水检测仪| 河南新乡双诚环保设备厂家| 干法造粒设备| REXROTH模块| 食品动态检重秤| 灯串贴片机| 波纹管补偿器| 总线协议转换器| 双层玻璃反应釜定制| 洗板机| 微型单螺杆挤出机| 辽阳射频导纳料位开关| 防泄漏透明双层软连接| 冷库| 暖体出汗假人测试仪| 全铝家居| 实验室氮气发生器| 医用照片打印机| 物联网高低温试验箱| 全自动红外测油仪厂家| 中国农业机械化信息网| U30自动气象站| 多通道| 防爆控制箱厂家| 格雷码编码器| 外装式电动滚筒| 防爆电动滚筒|