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InVivoMAb anti-mouse CD24



The M1/69 monoclonal antibody reacts with mouse CD24 also known as heat stable antigen (HSA), a 35-50 kDa glycosylated membrane protein. CD24 is expressed by erythrocytes, granulocytes, monocytes……


The M1/69 monoclonal antibody reacts with mouse CD24 also known as heat stable antigen (HSA), a 35-50 kDa glycosylated membrane protein. CD24 is expressed by erythrocytes, granulocytes, monocytes, lymphocytes, and dendritic cells. Immature B cells in bone marrow and spleen of adult mice express high levels of CD24, while mature peripheral B cells express intermediate levels of CD24. The expression of CD24 has been used to resolve stages of B cell lymphopoiesis in mouse bone marrow. It has been reported that P-selectin (CD62P) binds to CD24. CD24 is often overexpressed in human tumors. In cancer, CD24 is a regulator of cell migration, invasion, and proliferation.

产品名称:InVivoMAb anti-mouse CD24



实验应用:in vivo administration, Immunohistochemistry (frozen), Immunohistochemistry (paraffin), Immunofluorescence, Flow cytometry

同种型:IgG2b, κ

免疫原:C57BL/10 mouse splenic T cells



产品浓度:Lot specific,typically between 4-11 mg/ml

保存温度:Undiluted at 4°C in the dark

运输温度:Ship with adequate amount of blue ice to ensure the product remains at 4°C for the duration of transit

预期分子量:150 kDa


有效期:One year from the date of receipt if stored as recommended




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