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InVivoMab anti-mouse CD19



The 1D3 monoclonal antibody reacts with mouse CD19, a B cell-specific 95 kDa transmembrane glycoprotein of the immunoglobulin superfamily. CD19 contains two extracellular immunoglobulin-like domains……


The 1D3 monoclonal antibody reacts with mouse CD19, a B cell-specific 95 kDa transmembrane glycoprotein of the immunoglobulin superfamily. CD19 contains two extracellular immunoglobulin-like domains and an extensive cytoplasmic tail. It functions as a positive regulator of B-cell receptor signaling in conjunction with CD21 and CD81. CD19 is highly expressed in most lymphomas and leukemias including some early B-cell malignancies that do not express CD20. For these reasons CD19 is quickly becoming an attractive alternative target for the immunotherapy of lymphoproliferative disorders. The 1D3 antibody has been reported to deplete B cells however, B cell depletion often requires treatment with a combination of 1D3, anti-mouse B220 (clone RA3.3A1/6.1), anti-mouse CD22 (clone Cy34.1), and anti-rat κ light chain (clone MAR 18.5) antibodies. Please see the provided references for protocol details.

产品名称:InVivoMab anti-mouse CD19



实验应用:in vivo B cell depletion, in vivo CD19 neutralization, in vitro B cell negative selection, Flow cytometry

同种型:IgG2a, κ

免疫原:K562 cells expressing the extracellular domain of mouse CD19



产品浓度:Lot specific,typically between 4-11 mg/ml

保存温度:Undiluted at 4°C in the dark

运输温度:Ship with adequate amount of blue ice to ensure the product remains at 4°C for the duration of transit

预期分子量:150 kDa


有效期:One year from the date of receipt if stored as recommended




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