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Poly(ADP-ribose) monoclonal antibody (10H)



The monoclonal antibody 10H is directed against poly(ADP-ribose) (PAR). PAR is synthesized after activation of the nuclear DNA repair enzyme poly(ADP-ribose)polymerase (PARP). PARP is selectively ……

The monoclonal antibody 10H is directed against poly(ADP-ribose) (PAR). PAR is synthesized after activation of the nuclear DNA repair enzyme poly(ADP-ribose)polymerase (PARP). PARP is selectively activated by DNA strand breaks to catalyze the addition of long branched chains of PAR to a variety of nuclear proteins, most notably PARP itself.The amount of PAR formed in living cells with DNA damage is commensurate with the extent of the damage. Under DNA damage conditions, PAR undergoes a rapid turnover, with a half-life in the range of minutes, as PAR is rapidly hydrolyzed and converted to free ADP-ribose by the enzyme poly(ADP-ribose)glycohydrolase (PARG). After massive DNA damage (e.g. γ-irradiation or oxidative stress) PAR is detectable in the first 10 minutes and disappears later on. In keratinocytes MAb 10H has been shown to detect UVB-induced apoptosis as early as 4 hour after irradiation, thus being superior to DNA laddering and the TUNEL assay.Due to the very large number of endonuclease-mediated DNA breaks in apoptosis, PARP becomes strongly activated during the so-called execution phase. In the case of DNA damage-induced apoptosis, this represents a "second round" of PAR synthesis. PAR synthesized during apoptosis appears to be remarkably stable. PAR immunofluorescence appears at least as early during apoptosis as does the specific cleavage of PARP by caspase-3. As shown by several groups, this PAR immunofluorescence correlates well with other markers of apoptosis. MAb to Poly(ADP-ribose) (10H) can be used in flow cytometry.A quantitative non-isotopic immuno-dot-blot method for the assessment of cellular poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation capacity using MAb to Poly(ADP-ribose) (10H) has been described.

Product Details

Alternative Name:PAR




Immunogen:Purified poly(ADP-ribose).

Species reactivity:Human, Mouse, Rat

Specificity:Recognizes poly(ADP-ribose) synthesized by a broad range of PARPs (poly(ADP-ribose) polymerases) like human, mouse, rat or Drosophila PARP enzyme.

Applications:Flow Cytometry, ICC, IHC (PS), WB

Recommended Dilutions/Conditions:Immunocytochemistry (5-20µg/ml)
Immunohistochemistry (paraffin sections; dilution buffer: 5% milk (non fat dried milk) in PBS to a final concentration of 5-20µg/ml)
Western Blot (incubate 2.5µg/ml in PBS, 0.05% Tween20, 5% milk (non fat dried milk))
Suggested dilutions/conditions may not be available for all applications.
Optimal conditions must be determined individually for each application.

Purity Detail:Protein A-affinity purified from supernatant.

Formulation:Liquid. In 50mM HEPES, pH 7.4, containing 100mM sodium chloride, 1% BSA and 0.02% sodium azide.

Handling:Avoid freeze/thaw cycles.

Shipping:Shipped on Blue Ice

Long Term Storage:-20°C

Technical Info/Product Notes:Cited samples:
For an overview on cited samples please click here.

Regulatory Status:RUO - Research Use Only

<strong>Poly(ADP-ribose) monoclonal antibody (10H)</strong> Immunocytochemistry
Figure 2: Detection of apoptotic cells by immunocytochemistry.
Please mouse over
<strong>Poly(ADP-ribose) monoclonal antibody (10H)</strong> ICC<strong>Poly(ADP-ribose) monoclonal antibody (10H)</strong> Immunocytochemistry<strong>Poly(ADP-ribose) monoclonal antibody (10H)</strong> ICC laser<strong>Poly(ADP-ribose) monoclonal antibody (10H)</strong> Flow Cytometry

Product Literature References

A decrease in NAD+ contributes to the loss of osteoprogenitors and bone mass with aging: H. N. Kim, et al.; NPJ Aging Mech. Dis. 7, 41514 (2021), Abstract; Full Text
Decreased expression of the translation factor eIF3e induces senescence in breast cancer cells via suppression of PARP1 and activation of mTORC1: C. Morris, et al.; Oncotarget 12, 649 (2021), Abstract; Full Text
In vivo analysis of onset and progression of retinal degeneration in the Nr2e3 rd7/rd7 mouse model of enhanced S-cone sensitivity syndrome: G. Venturini, et al.; Sci. Rep. 11, 19032 (2021), Abstract;
New Insights into the Significance of PARP-1 Activation: Flow Cytometric Detection of Poly(ADP-Ribose) as a Marker of Bovine Intramammary Infection: G.D. Matteis, et al.; Cells 10, 599 (2021), Abstract;
PARylation prevents the proteasomal degradation of topoisomerase I DNA-protein crosslinks and induces their deubiquitylation: Y. Sun, et al.; Nat. Commun. 12, 5010 (2021), Abstract;
The 89-kDa PARP1 cleavage fragment serves as a cytoplasmic PAR carrier to induce AIF-mediated apoptosis: M. Mashimo, et al.; J. Biol. Chem. 296, 100046 (2020), Abstract; Full Text
A novel CRISPR-engineered prostate cancer cell line defines the AR-V transcriptome and identifies PARP inhibitor sensitivities: E. Koundatidou, et al.; Nucleic Acids Res. 47, 5634 (2019), Abstract; Full Text
Astragaloside IV reduces neuronal apoptosis and parthanatos in ischemic injury by preserving mitochondrial hexokinase-II: Y. Li, et al.; Free Radic. Biol. Med. 131, 251 (2019), Abstract;
CADM1 is a TWIST1-regulated suppressor of invasion and survival: E.J. Hartsough, et al.; Cell Death Dis. 10, 281 (2019), Abstract; Full Text
Doxorubicin-induced testicular damage is related to PARP-1 signaling molecules in mice: N.E. Gungor-Ordueri, et al.; Pharmacol. Rep. 71, 591 (2019), Abstract;
PARP-1 inhibition provides protection against elastase-induced emphysema by mitigating the expression of matrix metalloproteinases: V. Dharwal, et al.; Mol. Cell. Biochem. 457, 41 (2019), Abstract;
PARP1 inhibition alleviates injury in ARH3-deficient mice and human cells: M. Mashimo, et al.; JCI Insight 4, e124519 (2019), Abstract; Full Text
PML-like subnuclear bodies, containing XRCC1, juxtaposed to DNA replication-based single-strand breaks: M.M. Kordon, et al.; FASEB J. 33, 2301 (2019), Abstract;
Poly(ADP-Ribose) Links the DNA Damage Response and Biomineralization: K.H. Muller, et al.; Cell Rep. 27, 3124 (2019), Abstract;
Poly-ADP-ribose assisted protein localization resolves that DJ-1, but not LRRK2 or α-synuclein, is localized to the mitochondrial matrix: N. Osuagwu, et al.; PLoS One 14, e0219909 (2019), Abstract; Full Text
Risk-Associated Long Noncoding RNA FOXD3-AS1 Inhibits Neuroblastoma Progression by Repressing PARP1-Mediated Activation of CTCF: X. Zhao, et al.; Mol. Ther. 26, 755 (2019), Abstract;
Structural and biochemical evidence supporting poly ADP-ribosylation in the bacterium Deinococcus radiodurans: C.C. Cho, et al.; Nat. Commun. 10, 1491 (2019), Abstract;
Unanchored tri-NEDD8 inhibits PARP-1 to protect from oxidative stress-induced cell death: M.J. Keuss, et al.; EMBO J. 38, e100024 (2019), Abstract; Full Text


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