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α-Gal Epitope (Galα1-3Galβ1-4GlcNAc-R) monoclonal



Widely described antibody against α-galactose residues with broad cross-reactivity among different species. Useful for measuring the α-Gal epitope expression on cells, glycolipids and glycoproteins……

Widely described antibody against α-galactose residues with broad cross-reactivity among different species. Useful for measuring the α-Gal epitope expression on cells, glycolipids and glycoproteins, characterization of hyperacute rejection (HAR) in organ and tissue transplantations and monitoring xenotransplantation experiments. The IgM isotype mimicks in vivo reactions and can be used for cytotoxicity assays for α-Gal specific pathways (addition or presence of complement necessary). Ideal as a high-throughput screening tool for inhibitors of antibody induced cytotoxicity.
Organ transplantation from pig to human result in HAR. Humans naturally produce large quantities of anti-α-Gal antibodies, which represent 1-3% of all circulating immunoglobulins and are produced by about 1% of all B cells. When pig organs or tissues are transplanted into the human body, the IgM isotype of anti-Gal binds to α-Gal epitopes, which causes activation of the complement cascade, resulting in cell lysis. This rapid activation of complement by anti-Gal IgM is an immunological barrier that poses the greatest risk of initiating HAR. The monoclonal antibody M86 to Galα1-3Gal epitopes developed by U. Galili, et al. is an essential tool in the study of human xenotransplantation and related research.

Product Details

Alternative Name:α-Galactose 1,3




Immunogen:Rabbit red blood cell membrane.

Source:Hybridoma tissue culture.

Species reactivity:Mouse, Rat

Specificity:Recognizes synthetic and naturally produced mouse, rat and pig Galα1-3Gal epitopes on glycoproteins and glycolipids.

Crossreactivity:Does not cross-react with β-Gal glycoproteins or BSA.

Applications:ELISA, Flow Cytometry, IHC (PS), WB, FUNC

Recommended Dilutions/Conditions:Note: Do not use non-fat milk for blocking! Many blocking agents from non-human mammal sources will cross-react with the antibody.
Appropriate antibody dilution may vary from lot to lot. An initial dilution of 1:5 is recommended.
Suggested dilutions/conditions may not be available for all applications. Optimal conditions must be determined individually for each application.

Application Notes:Functional Application: can be used for cytotoxicity assays for α-Gal specific pathways

Quantity:4 mL per vial

Formulation:Liquid. Tissue culture supernatant.

Use/Stability:Stable for at least 3 years when stored at -20°C.

Handling:Avoid freeze/thaw cycles. After opening, prepare aliquots and store at -20°C.

Shipping:Shipped on Dry Ice

Long Term Storage:-20°C

Technical Info/Product Notes:Cited samples:
For an overview on cited samples please click here.

Regulatory Status:RUO - Research Use Only

Product Literature References

Allergic response to medical products in patients with alpha-gal syndrome: K.V. Kuravi, et al.; J. Thorac. Cardiovasc. Surg. (2021), Abstract;
Probiotic Bacteria with High Alpha-Gal Content Protect Zebrafish against Mycobacteriosis: I. Pacheco, et al.; Pharmaceuticals 14, 635 (2021), Abstract;
Alpha-Gal on the Protein Surface Hampers Transcytosis through the Caco-2 Monolayer: M.K. Ristivojevic, et al.; Int. J. Mol. Sci. 16, 5742 (2020), Abstract;
Vaccination With Alpha-Gal Protects Against Mycobacterial Infection in the Zebrafish Model of Tuberculosis: I. Pacheco, et al.; Vaccines (Basel) 8, 195 (2020), Abstract; Full Text
A porcine xenograft‐derived bone scaffold is a biocompatible bone graft substitute: An assessment of cytocompatibility and the alpha‐Gal epitope: D.N. Bracey, et al.; Xenotransplantation 26, e12534 (2019), Abstract;
Effects of gamma radiation sterilization on the structural and biological properties of decellularized corneal xenografts: M.M. Islam, et al.; Acta Biomater. 96, 330 (2019), Abstract;
Tick Bites Induce Anti-α-Gal Antibodies in Dogs: A. Hodzic, et al.; Vaccines 7, E114 (2019), Abstract;
A standardized quantitative method for detecting remnant alpha-Gal antigen in animal tissues or animal tissue-derived biomaterials and its application: Y. Lu, et al.; Sci. Rep. 8, 15424 (2018), Abstract; Full Text
Biomaterial characterization of off-the-shelf decellularized porcine pericardial tissue for use in prosthetic valvular applications: J.A. Choe, et al.; J. Tissue Eng. Regen. Med. 12, 1608 (2018), Abstract; Full Text
Gal epitope expression and immunological properties in iGb3S deficient mice: A. Shao, et al.; Sci. Rep. 8, 15433 (2018), Abstract; Full Text
α-Gal on the protein surface affects uptake and degradation in immature monocyte derived dendritic cells: M.K. Ristivojevic; Sci. Rep. 8, 12684 (2018), Abstract; Full Text
Alpha-gal is a possible target of IgE-mediated reactivity to antivenom: J. Fischer, et al.; Allergy 72, 764 (2017), Application(s): Western Blot using snake antivenoms, Abstract;
Recellularization of a novel off-the-shelf valve following xenogenic implantation into the right ventricular outflow tract: R.S. Hennessy, et al.; PLoS One 12, e0181614 (2017), Application(s): IHC using porcine sample, Abstract; Full Text
Efficient generation of GGTA1-null Diannan miniature pigs using TALENs combined with somatic cell nuclear transfer: W. Cheng, et al.; Reprod. Biol. Endocrinol. 14, 77 (2016), Abstract; Full Text
Feasibility of pig and human-derived aortic valve interstitial cells seeding on fixative-free decellularized animal pericardium: R. Santoro, et al.; J. Biomed. Mater. Res. B Appl. Biomater. 104, 345 (2016), Abstract;
In vivo xenogeneic scaffold fate is determined by residual antigenicity and extracellular matrix preservation: M.L. Wong, et al.; Biomaterials 92, 1 (2016), Application(s): Western blot, Abstract;
Immunoproteomics of processed beef proteins reveal novel galactose‐α‐1, 3‐galactose‐containing allergens: D. Apostolovic, et al.; Allergy 69, 1308 (2014), Abstract;
Laminin γ‐1 and collagen α‐1 (VI) chain are galactose‐α‐1, 3‐galactose–bound allergens in beef: H. Takahashi, et al.; Allergy 69, 199 (2014), Abstract;
Novel human renal proximal tubular cell line for the production of complex proteins: L. Fliedl, et al.; J. Biotechnol. 176, 29 (2014), Application(s): Flow cytometry, Abstract;
Highly Efficient Generation of GGTA1 Biallelic Knockout Inbred Mini-Pigs with TALENs: J. Xin, et al.; PLoS One 8, e84250 (2013), Abstract; Full Text
Possible role of a cell surface carbohydrate in evolution of resistance to viral infections in old world primates: I.A. Rodriguez, et al.; J. Virol. 87, 8317 (2013), Abstract;
Stepwise solubilization-based antigen removal for xenogeneic scaffold generation in tissue engineering: M.L. Wong, et al.; Acta Biomater. 9, 6492 (2013), Application(s): IHC on bovine tissue, Abstract;



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