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MycoStrip (10 kits)



Easy and fast detection of mycoplasma contamination in cell cultures
With over 40 years of experience in developing mycoplasma solutions for the scientific community, InvivoGen's MycoStrip™ offers a …


Easy and fast detection of mycoplasma contamination in cell cultures

With over 40 years of experience in developing mycoplasma solutions for the scientific community, InvivoGen's MycoStrip™ offers a new method for the detection of mycoplasma in cell culture, allowing you to combat the contamination.

MycoStrip™ is a simple test that requires no special lab equipment, and provides clear results, with no false positives. Furthermore, with results in less than an hour, MycoStrip™ allows you to swiftly start treating the contaminated cell culture. 

Assay Principle

Detection of cell culture contaminating mycoplasma by MycoStrip™ is based on isothermal PCR. Simply prepare your sample and add our proprietary Reaction Mix to target and amplify the 16S rRNA gene for the most commonly found mycoplasma species in cell culture. Results are clearly visualized on an immunochromatographic strip within 5 minutes.


Key features of MycoStrip™

? Simple

Easy to perform, and unlike most other mycoplasma detection assays, no special lab equipment is required.

? Rapid

Performed in 1 hour, with less than 15 minutes of hands-on time.

? Clear

Fast and easy-to-interpret results that appear within 2-5 minutes, as 1 or 2 bands on the strip.

  • One band - negative for mycoplasma 

  • Two bands - positive for mycoplasma

? Specific

MycoStrip™ has been specifically designed to detect the Mycoplasma and Acholeplasma species that most commonly contaminate cell culture. These include the six species that account for 95% of all contaminations: M. oraleM. hyorhinisM. argininiM. fermentansM. hominis, and A. laidlawii. Importantly, because the MycoStrip™ reaction mix detects unique regions of DNA there is no cross?reactivity with other bacterial, fungal or mammalian DNA.

? Sensitive

MycoStrip™ is able to detect as low as 10-102 CFU/ml and thus, can be used to detect mycoplasma contamination before it significantly affects experimental results, which typically occurs at ~107 CFU/ml [1]. 

? Also available without cassettes

The larger unit size (100 strips) contains no cassette, offering a more economical and eco-friendly version of MyscoStrip™



1. Drexler, H.G. & Uphoff, C.C. 2002. Mycoplasma contamination of cell cultures: Incidence, sources, effects, detection, elimination, prevention. Cytotechnology 39, 75-90.


MycoStrip™ - Mycoplasma Detection Kit
Click to enlarge

MycoStrip™ contains:

With cassetteWithout cassette
Contents10 Tests20 Tests50 Tests100 Tests
 Reaction Mix
 Reaction Buffer
 Migration Buffer
 Positive Control
 Detection strips
1 vial
1 vial
2 vials
1 vial
2 vials
2 vials
3 vials
1 vial
5 vials
4 vials
1 bottle
1 vial
10 vials
8 vials
2 bottles
2 vials



room temperature MycoStrip™ is shipped at room temperature.

store Store all components (including the detection strips) at -20°C.

stability If properly stored, all components are stable for 12 months.


Mycoplasma Contamination

Mycoplasma is a major problem in cell culture, with various sources of contamination such as lab operators, dirty water baths/incubators, and biological reagents. Due to their small size, mycoplasma is undetectable by visual inspection, they pass through standard filtration, and are resistant to a large number of antibiotics.  There are many reasons to regularly test your cell culture for mycoplasma and these include:

  • Loss of precious samples

  • Serious impact on data reliability and reproducibility

  • Testing is required by most journals for publication

  • Loss of time and money

More information on mycoplasma in cell culture



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