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HEK-Blue™ CLR Selection



HEK-Blue™ CLR Selection is a solution that combines several selective antibiotics.
These antibiotics guarantee the persistent expression of the various transgenes introduced in HEK-Blue™ cells such a…


Antibiotics for maintenance of HEK-Blue™ Dectin & Mincle cells

HEK-Blue™ CLR Selection is a solution that combines several selective antibiotics.

These antibiotics guarantee the persistent expression of the various transgenes introduced in HEK-Blue™ cells such as the C-type Lectin (CLR) genes, namely Dectin-1, Dectin-2, and Mincle. The use of HEK-Blue™ CLR Selection is also recommended to guarantee persistent transgene expression in HEK-Blue™ IL-2 cells.  HEK-Blue™ CLR Selection should be used for the maintenance of the cell lines listed below.

Key features of HEK-Blue™ CLR Selection

? Convenient

1 single tube that combines several selective antibiotics.

? Simple

Add directly to the culture at a 1:250 dilution.

? Optimized concentration

The concentration of antibiotics has been optimized to maximize their effectiveness for the maintenance of these cells.


Recommended use of HEK-Blue™ CLR Selection


Quality Control: Each lot of HEK-Blue™ CLR Selection is thoroughly tested to ensure the absence of lot-to-lot variation.


HEK-Blue™ CLR Selection should be used with the following cell lines:

  • HEK-Blue™ hDectin-1a cells

  • HEK-Blue™ hDectin-1b cells

  • HEK-Blue™ mDectin-1b cells

  • HEK-Blue™ mDectin-2 cells

  • HEK-Blue™ mMincle cells

  • HEK-Blue™ IL-2 cells


HEK-Blue™ CLR Selection is provided as 10 x 1 ml tubes of 250X solution.

room temperature HEK-Blue™ CLR Selection is shipped at room temperature.

store Upon receipt, it should be stored at 4 °C or -20 °C.

Alert Avoid repeated freeze-thaw cycles.



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