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Blasticidin (solution)



Blasticidin is an efficient selection antibiotic that acts on both eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells.
Blasticidin is a peptidyl nucleoside antibiotic isolated from Streptomyces griseochromogenes that…


Selection antibiotic: endotoxin tested, sterile reagent

Blasticidin is an efficient selection antibiotic that acts on both eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells

Blasticidin is a peptidyl nucleoside antibiotic isolated from Streptomyces griseochromogenes that inhibits protein synthesis by interfering with the peptide-bond formation in the ribosomal machinery.

Resistance to blasticidin is conferred by the blasticidin resistance gene from Bacillus cereus (bsr), which codes for blasticidin-S deaminase [1].
Resistance to blasticidin is also conferred by the blastcidin S acetyltransferase gene (bls) from Streptoverticillum sp [2], and the blasticidin S deaminase gene (BSD) from Apergillus terreus [3].

Typically, mammalian cells are sensitive to blasticidin concentrations of 1-10 µg/ml, and bacteria to 25-100 µg/ml.
Cell death induced by blasticidin occurs rapidly, allowing for selection of transfected cell lines carrying a blasticidin resistance gene within one week. 



1. Izumi M. et al., 1991. Blasticidin S-resistance gene (bsr): A novel selectable marker for mammalian cells. Exp.Cell Res.197:229-33.
2. Perez-Gonalez J. et al., 1990. Cloning and characterization of the gene encoding a blasticidin S acetyltransferase from Streptoverticillum sp. Gene. 86:129-34. 
3. Kimura M. et al., 1994. Blasticidin S deaminase gene from Aspergillus terreus (BSD): a new drug resistance gene for transfection of mammalian cells. Biochim. Biophys. Acta. 1219:653-9.



Blasticidin Solution by InvivoGen


Product concentration: 10 mg/ml

Quality Control: Each lot is thoroughly tested to ensure the absence of lot-to-lot variation.

Purity: ≥ 95% (HPLC)

Endotoxin level: < 1 EU/mg

Physicochemical characterization: pH, appearance

Cell-culture tested: potency validated in blasticidin-sensitive and blasticidin-resistant mammalian cell lines

Non-cytotoxicity of trace contaminants: absence of long-term effects confirmed in blasticidin-resistant cells


Blasticidin hydrochloride is supplied as a sterile filtered solution at 10 mg/ml in HEPES buffer.

This product is available in four pack sizes:

  • ant-bl-05: 5 x 1 ml (50 mg)

  • ant-bl-1: 10 x 1 ml (100 mg)

  • ant-bl-5: 50 x 1 ml (500 mg)

  • ant-bl-5b: 1 x 50ml (500 mg)

Blasticidin hydrochloride is also supplied as a powder:

  • ant-bl-10p: 1 g (powder)

Room temperatureBlasticidin is shipped at room temperature.
StoreUpon receipt it should be stored at 4°C or -20°C.
Alert Blasticidin is a harmful compound. Refer to safety data sheet for handling instructions.



The working concentration of blasticidin for mammalian cell lines varies from 1 to 10 μg/ml, in a few cases up to 30 μg/ml.
In a starting experiment, we recommend determining optimal concentrations of antibiotic required to kill your host cell line.
After treatment, cell death occurs rapidly, allowing the selection of transfected cells with plasmids carrying the bsr or BSD genes in as little as 7 days post-transfection.
Suggested concentrations of blasticidin for selection in some examples of mammalian cells are listed below.

Cell line


Blasticidin conc


CHO (Chinese hamster ovarian cells)


5-10 μg/ml


HEK293 (Human embryonic kidney cells)DMEM5-15 μg/ml3, 4
HeLa (Human uterine cells)DMEM2.5-10 μg/ml5, 6
Neuro2a (Mouse neuroblasts)DMEM30 μg/ml7
THP-1 (Human monocytes)RPMI10 μg/ml8


1. Dorgham K. et al., 2009. An engineered CX3CR1antagonist endowed with anti-inflammatory activity. J Leukoc Biol. 86(4):903-11.
2. Le Bon L. et al., 2014. Fringe proteins modulate Notch-ligand cis and trans interactions to specifysignaling states. eLife Sci, 3:e02950.
3. Tomecki R. et al., 2014. Multiple myeloma-associatedhDIS3 mutations cause perturbations in cellular RNA metabolism and suggest hDIS3 PIN domain as a potential drug target. Nucleic Acids Res. 42:1270-90.
4. Edbauer D. et al., 2004. Co-expression of nicastrin and presenilin rescues a loss of function mutant of APH-1.J Biol Chem. 279:37311-5.
5. Khandelia P. et al., 2011. Streamlined platform for short hairpin RNAinterference and transgenesis in cultured mammalian cells. PNAS 108:12799-804.
6. Lee HK.et al., 2007. Application of beta-lactamase enzyme complementation to the high-throughputscreening of toll-like receptor signaling inhibitors. Mol Pharmacol. 72:868-75.
7. Matsumoto G. et al., 2011. Serine 403 phosphorylation of p62/SQSTM1 regulates selective autophagicclearance of ubiquitinated proteins. Mol Cell. 44:279-89.
8. Schepetkin IA. et al., 2009.Immunomodulatory activity of oenothein B isolated from Epilobium angustifolium. J Immunol. 183:6754-66.



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