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HEK-Blue™ Detection



HEK-Blue™ Detection is a cell culture medium that allows the detection of SEAP (Secreted embryonic alkaline phosphatase) as the reporter protein is secreted by the cells.
HEK-Blue™ Detection contain…


Cell culture medium for SEAP detection

HEK-Blue™ Detection is a cell culture medium that allows the detection of SEAP (Secreted embryonic alkaline phosphatase)  as the reporter protein is secreted by the cells.

HEK-Blue™ Detection contains all the nutrients necessary for cell growth and a specific SEAP color substrate.

The hydrolysis of the substrate by SEAP produces a purple/blue color that can be easily detected with the naked eye or measured with a spectrophotometer.


HEK-Blue™ Detection by InvivoGen


Description: Cell culture medium


  • Real-time detection of SEAP produced by cells

  • Applicable to high-throughput screening

Readout Method:

  • Naked eye (purple/blue color)

  • Spectrophotometry (620 - 655 nm)


HEK-Blue™ Detection is provided in sealed pouches.

This product is available in two sizes :

  • hb-det2: 5 pouches

  • hb-det3: 10 pouches

Each pouch allows the preparation of 50 ml of HEK-Blue™ Detection.

 HEK-Blue™ Detection is store at 2-8°C.

 Unopened pouches are stable for at least 6 months when stored at 2-8°C (Please see the corresponding CoA for the exact expiry date).

After preparation, the product is stable 2 weeks at 2-8°C and 2 months at -20°C.


HEK-Blue™ Detection is a cell culture medium developed to provide a fast and convenient method to monitor SEAP expression. Detection of SEAP occurs as the reporter protein is secreted by the cells grown in HEK-Blue™ Detection.

HEK-Blue™ Detection changes to a purple/blue color in the presence of alkaline phosphatase activity. SEAP is a widely used reporter gene. It is a truncated form of placental alkaline phosphatase, a GPI-anchored protein.

SEAP is secreted into cell culture supernatant and therefore offers many advantages over intracellular reporters. It allows to determine reporter activity without disturbing the cells, does not require the preparation of cell lysates and can be used for kinetic studies. Using HEK-Blue™ Detection, SEAP expression can be observed visually, and unlike fluorescent or luminescent reporters can be easily quantified using a microplate reader or spectrophotometer.

HEK-Blue™ Detection is applicable to high-throughput screening.


  • 1. Resuspend HEK-Blue™ Detection

  • 2.Add SEAP-expressing cells

  • 3.Transfer to multi-well plate

  • 4. Incubate 6 to 24 hours at 37°C, 5% CO2

  • 5. Assess SEAP levels



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