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  • InVivoMab anti-human CD25 (IL-2Rα)
    InVivoMab anti-human CD25 (IL-2Rα)

    The 7G7B6 monoclonal antibody reacts with human IL-2Rα also known as CD25, Ly-43, p55, or Tac. IL-2Rα is the 55 kDa ligand-binding subunit of the interleukin 2 receptor alpha chain.

  • InVivoMab anti-human CD28
    InVivoMab anti-human CD28

    The 9.3 monoclonal antibody reacts with human CD28, a 45 kDa costimulatory receptor and a member of the Ig superfamily. CD28 is expressed by thymocytes, most peripheral T cells, and NK cells.

  • InVivoMAb anti-human CD3
    InVivoMAb anti-human CD3

    The OKT-3 monoclonal antibody reacts with human CD3ε, a 20 kDa transmembrane cell-surface protein that belongs to the immunoglobulin superfamily. CD3ε is one of five polypeptide chains that combine ……

  • InVivoMab anti-human CD4
    InVivoMab anti-human CD4

    The RPA-T4 monoclonal antibody reacts with the human CD4. The CD4 antigen is a 55 kDa cell surface type I membrane glycoprotein belonging to the immunoglobulin superfamily. CD4 acts as a co-receptor……

  • InVivoMab anti-human CD8α
    InVivoMab anti-human CD8α

    The OKT-8 monoclonal antibody reacts with human CD8α. The CD8 antigen is a transmembrane glycoprotein that acts as a co-receptor for the T cell receptor (TCR).

  • InVivoMAb anti-human Ganglioside GD2
    InVivoMAb anti-human Ganglioside GD2

    The 14G2a monoclonal antibody reacts with human ganglioside GD2 a sialic-acid bearing glycolipid that is involved in mediating cell attachment to the extracellular matrix. Ganglioside GD2……

  • InVivoMab anti-human IL-4
    InVivoMab anti-human IL-4

    The MP4-25D2 monoclonal antibody reacts with human IL-4 (interleukin-4) a multifunctional 14 kDa cytokine. IL-4 is expressed primarily by activated Th2 cells and NK cells, and at lower levels by……

  • InVivoMab anti-human PD-1 (CD279)
    InVivoMab anti-human PD-1 (CD279)

    The J116 monoclonal antibody reacts with human PD-1 (programmed death-1) also known as CD279. PD-1 is a 50-55 kDa cell surface receptor encoded by the Pdcd1 gene that belongs to the CD28 family of……

  • InVivoMab anti-human PD-L1 (B7-H1)
    InVivoMab anti-human PD-L1 (B7-H1)

    The 29E.2A3 monoclonal antibody reacts with human PD-L1 (programmed death ligand 1) also known as B7-H1 or CD274. PD-L1 is a 40 kDa type I transmembrane protein that belongs to the B7 family of the……

  • InVivoMAb anti-human/monkey CD28
    InVivoMAb anti-human/monkey CD28

    The CD28.2 monoclonal antibody reacts with human and monkey CD28, a 45 kDa costimulatory receptor and a member of the Ig superfamily. CD28 is expressed by thymocytes, most peripheral T cells, and NK……

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